Payment Reimbursement and Managed Care

Home Is Where the Hospital Is

The hospital-at-home model provides a potential means of reducing total costs of care and improving outcomes, but it would present traditional acute care hospitals with a strategic challenge.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA July 27, 2018

Health System-Owned Physician Practices: Are Any Losses Acceptable?

Health systems that own physician practices should fully address losses those practices incur and take steps to remediate the issues underlying those losses.

Timothy Smith July 27, 2018

Medicare Advantage for More: A Pragmatic Alternative to Medicare for All

An expansion of Medicare Advantage presents an opportunity for the U.S. to test the waters of a single-payer system.

Ken Perez July 27, 2018

July 30-Aug. 3: As CMS Offers MIPS Review, Physicians Urge Its Preservation

July 26—Members of Congress and some physician leaders urged the continuation of Medicare’s Merit-based Incentive Payment System amid growing calls for its elimination. However, many agreed the system needs changes.

Rich Daly July 26, 2018

Public Poll, Verma Reject Single-Payer

July 25—The administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) said she is likely to reject an expected single-payer proposal from California. Her position echoed the sentiments of a national poll released this week.

Rich Daly July 26, 2018

CY2019 Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule: HFMA Executive Summary

CMS published a proposed rule updating payment rates under the Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease prospective payment system for CY2019, in the July 19, 2018, Federal Register.

HFMA July 25, 2018

Maryland Insurance Costs Rise Despite Hospital Price Controls

July 24—Despite a unique price control system for Maryland hospitals, insurers in the state’s Affordable Care Act (ACA) individual health insurance market have requested the largest average rate increase in the country.

Rich Daly July 25, 2018

Why Two Health Systems Opted Not to Launch Their Own MA Plans

July 23—After hospitals and health systems have had some highly publicized struggles operating their own Medicare Advantage (MA) plans in recent years, two health systems recently opted to partner on an MA plan with an insurer.

Rich Daly July 24, 2018

States Trying to Stabilize ACA Marketplaces

July 19—Amid growing policy uncertainty at the federal level, states are undertaking a range of responses to stabilize the individual-insurance marketplaces. But so far, the effect is uncertain.

Rich Daly July 20, 2018

July 23-27: Providers Examining Why APMs Are Expected to Stall

July 19—Provider organizations next week will continue their analysis of the recently issued massive Medicare physician payment proposed rule, including the surprise projection that alternative payment model (APM) participation may decline.

Rich Daly July 20, 2018
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