Some Practices Leave Largest Bundle Program
Physician practices were more likely than other providers to depart from Medicare’s largest bundled payment program by the March 1 deadline to drop out, according to industry advisers.
Public-Option Bill Cuts $774 Billion in Hospital Revenue: Report
High-profile legislation that would launch a Medicare-based public option to compete against private insurers would slash national healthcare spending—primarily through reduced hospital pay, according to a new analysis.
Trump Budget Road-Tests Hospital Policies
Hospital impacts in the Trump administration’s proposed FY20 budget include cuts to Medicare uncompensated care, more site-neutral payments, and an extension of coming Medicaid payment cuts.
Medicaid Work Requirements Will Negatively Impact Hospital Finances
Medicaid work requirement projected impacts on hospital finances range from $1 million to more than $6 million.
Challenges Differ for Hospital-Led, Physician-Led ACOs; Could Drive Departures
A newly released survey found very different challenges for accountable care organizations (ACOs) depending on whether they are led by physicians or hospitals. The revelation followed an increase in the dropout rate among physician-led entities.
April 7-12: See what events are coming in health care
Stay ahead of healthcare news developments by knowing what is on the industry horizon through this HFMA listing of hearings, conferences, webinars, contests, public forums, and deadlines for the week of April 7.
Azar seeks to counter trend of rural hospital closures
As rural hospital closures since enactment of healthcare reform moved into the triple digits, the Trump administration revealed some steps it is pursuing to reverse the trend.
Hospitals, Administration View Single-Payer as Chief Threat
Hospital advocates joined the Trump administration this week in identifying various single-payer proposals as the primary threat facing the U.S. healthcare system.
Democrats Decry Trump Administration’s Court Support for ACA Rollback
A day after the Trump administration in court backed full repeal of the Affordable Care Act, members of Congress warned about potential impacts on public and private insurance coverage.
Hospitals Targeted in Federal Cost-Saving Ideas
A bipartisan group of policy advocates urged Congress to target hospitals as part of a highly anticipated legislative push on cost control.