Ask the Experts: Provider Level Adjustments
Is there a best practice for handling provider level adjustments (PLBs) in electronic health record (EHR) systems?
Ask the Experts: Cost per day
Where can we find benchmarking data across other skilled nursing facilities related to costs per day for patient care?
Improving PHI Disclosure Efficiency in the Business Office
With pressure on providers to prove medical necessity and validate code assignments, business office staff must provide more patient information, such as medical records, putting greater demands on their time. Yale New Haven Health addressed this problem by implementing a centralized protected health information (PHI) disclosure management system.
Ask the Experts: SSI percentage and eligibility
How does your facility track its SSI percentage? Do you rely on the annual publication of SSI percentages issued by CMS?
4 strategies for improved Medicare Advantage plan performance
Positive operating margins in the Medicare Advantage segment require a shift toward more effectively managing Medicare populations by recognizing their unique needs and characteristics.
Bundled payment model begins accepting additional applicants
April 30—Following early withdrawals, the largest voluntary bundled payment program is offering a last chance for new participants to sign up. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently opened enrollment for the second cohort of the Bundled Payment for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI-A) program. The new cohort of participants will begin in January 2020, the…
Several new Medicare primary care payment models to launch in 2020
Medicare eventually hopes to pay 25% of fee-for-service physicians under one of five primary care models planned for launch in 2020.
FY20 inpatient payment rule proposes changes to DSH, wage index
The proposed rule for Medicare inpatient payments could significantly affect uncompensated-care payment and wage adjustments.
Will a quarter of primary care physicians join the new Medicare payment models?
The Trump administration envisions the five coming primary care models that were unveiled this week to include one-quarter of such clinicians. But Medicare advisers and others are split on whether many providers can succeed in the models.
Value-Based Contracting Not Taking Off: Health Plan Survey
Health plans see a shift to value-based payment on the horizon, according to a new industry survey. It’s a familiar finding.