Payment Reimbursement and Managed Care

What’s the outlook for prescription drug price legislation given the bipartisan efforts underway

Eye on Washington: There appears to be bipartisan support in the U.S. Senate for legislation aimed at addressing the issue of high prescription drub prices.

Ken Perez October 3, 2019

Analysis: How a longer-term delay to Medicaid DSH cuts may play out

A review of CMS’s recent rule finalizing the ACA’s mandated Medicaid DSH cuts for FY2020 and how it may play out if some legislators demand changes to the rule.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA October 3, 2019

Analysis: Wage index changes in the IPPS Final Rule

A review of why a couple of the key changes to the CMS FY2020 IPPS Rule may not bring the desired results.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA October 2, 2019

October 2019: Developments and trends shaping healthcare finance

News Watch: News stories about recent developments and trends shaping healthcare finance in the United States.

Rich Daly October 2, 2019

1,000 rural hospitals could close

From the Chair: If a public option for healthcare were to be enacted into law, the consequences would likely be severe for the nation's rural hospitals.

Michael M. Allen, FHFMA, CPA October 2, 2019

3 starter steps for health systems pursuing value-based contracts

A health system's ability to succeed under any of the new Medicare value-based payment programs will depend on how effectively it meets 3 strategic imperatives for effective performance in risk contracts.

Sheila H. Fusé October 2, 2019

Analysis: Implications for providers as Amazon offers its employees access to a virtual clinic

A review of what Amazon’s launch of a virtual health clinic for its employees may mean for providers.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA October 2, 2019

Analysis: CMS final discharge planning rule

A review of the final rule and suggestions for related HFMA resources.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA October 2, 2019

Enjoin: Enabling Holistic Clinical Documentation Improvement

James Fee, MD, CEO of Enjoin, discusses the importance of holistic clinical documentation to realize success with existing fee-for-service payment models, as well as value-based care and population health initiatives.

HFMA October 1, 2019

Optimizing Payment Receipt to Improve Cash Flow and Reduce Error

In this article, CommerceHealthcare® discusses how it marries financial foresight with healthcare insight to help clients rethink and improve receivables management, payment services and patient loan financing and lending processes.

HFMA October 1, 2019
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