Medicare Payment and Reimbursement

CY17 OPPS Final Rule Summary

This document summarizes the financial and operational impacts of CMS's CY17 OPPS final rule.

HFMA December 15, 2016

Executive Summary: CMS 2017 OPPS Final Rule

This document summarizes key financial and operational impacts from the FY17 OPPS final rule.

HFMA November 16, 2016

HFMA Comments on CMS’s Advancing Care Coordination Through EPMs Proposed Rule

HFMA submitted comments to CMS on the Advancing Care Coordination Through Episode Payment Models proposed rule, published in the August 2, 2016, Federal Register.

HFMA October 5, 2016

HFMA Comments on CMS’s CY17 Medicare Hospital Outpatient PPS Proposed Rule

HFMA submitted a comment letter to CMS on the CY17 Hospital Outpatient PPS proposed rule, published in the July 14, 2016, Federal Register.

HFMA September 8, 2016

CMS FY17 IPPS Final Rule Summary

This document provides a detailed summary of the FY17 IPPS final rule, published by CMS in the August 22, 2016, Federal Register.

HFMA August 29, 2016

Executive Summary: CMS 2017 IPPS Final Rule

This document briefly summarizes the key financial and operational impacts of CMS's FY17 IPPS final rule.

HFMA August 25, 2016

HFMA Advancing Care Coordination Through Episode Payment Models (EPMs) Proposed Rule Summary

CMS proposes to make modifications to the CJR model, create three EPMs for care of AMI, CABG, and SHFFT, and create the CR Model using its authority under section 1115A. The proposed Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) Incentive Program is also briefly described in the rule.

HFMA August 19, 2016

Executive Summary – Episodic Payment Model for Cardiac and Hip Fractures Proposed Rule

This brief summary features the top 10 issues providers need to understand from the Episodic Payment Model (EPM) for Cardiac and Surgical Hip Femur Fracture Treatment Proposed Rule.

HFMA August 16, 2016

CY17 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule Summary

This document provides a detailed summary of the Medicare Hospital OPPS and ambulatory surgical center (ASC) payment systems proposed rule for Calendar Year 2017 (CY17).

HFMA July 21, 2016

Executive Summary: CMS 2017 OPPS Proposed Rule

A brief summary of the Key financial and operational impacts from the 2017 hospital outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) proposed rule.

HFMA July 19, 2016
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