Managed Care

Consumers expect expanded telehealth to remain post-COVID-19, survey finds

Consumers support the expansion of telehealth that has taken place during the COVID-19 pandemic and want to continue to use such platforms when the pandemic ends, according to a new survey.

Rich Daly July 13, 2020

State public option efforts waiver in face of the COVID-19 pandemic

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says although COVID-19 may have "dampened enthusiasm" for Washington state's public option, he is not sure the blame for its slow start rests solely, or even partly, on COVID-19.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 28, 2020

Is another health plan featuring virtual PCPs as primary access point a sign of things to come?

HFMA's Chad Mulvany questions if the recent expansion of telehealth could stimulate a trend of plans offering virtual PCPs as the primary care access point.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 27, 2020

Hospitals scramble for short-term commercial, federal loans in response to coronmavirus

Hospitals are looking for more short-term commercial loans and federal loans to bolster their responses to the coronavirus.

Rich Daly April 1, 2020

How healthcare providers can avoid being at a disadvantage when negotiating risk contracts

Stratifying patients by risk helps finance leaders understand the cost implication differentials of shifts in utilization, giving their organizations a more solid footing in risk-based contract negotiations.

Daniel J. Marino March 16, 2020

State legislators roll back Indiana hospital bill that could have cut payments to hospitals

Health plans seeking state legislative help with site-neutral payments will likely find allies among employers who are increasingly frustrated with healthcare costs.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA March 10, 2020

How long will employers continue to tolerate healthcare cost growth in excess of inflation?

Employer frustration with high healthcare costs is translating into support for more aggressive governmental intervention in healthcare markets.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA March 6, 2020

Health plan-owned PCP clinics steer members to lower-cost sites-of-service

Hospitals and health systems need to be able to deliver high-quality outcomes in a cost-efficient manner to ensure they are not implicitly tiered out of a health plan's network.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA March 5, 2020

Prior-authorization cost and time burdens increase for providers, report finds

Provider burdens from health plans’ use of prior authorization continue to mount amid calls to make the process fully automated.

Rich Daly January 22, 2020

Why removing percent-of-charge provisions in managed care contracts won’t address concerns about high hospital charges

Removing percent-of-charge provisions in favor of fixed fees would not remove the factors that drive price increases, nor would it reduce administrative hassles or decrease risk.

William O. Cleverley, PhD January 2, 2020
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