Healthcare Reform

Healthcare News of Note: CMS offers new guidance on making healthcare price transparency information searchable

CMS guidance on making price transparency information searchable, a correlation between job loss and nurse suicides and using incentives to move hospitals away from just-in-time PPE inventories are all topics covered in this week’s Healthcare News of Note.

Deborah Filipek April 21, 2021

HFMA’s virtual Cost Effectiveness of Health Summit May 6-7 addresses the healthcare industry’s continuous spending growth and explores a more sustainable model

Healthcare leaders will begin collaborating on how to address the industry’s continuous spending growth and work toward a more sustainable future during HFMA's virtual Cost Effectiveness of Health Summit May 6-7.

Deborah Filipek April 14, 2021

CMMI announces Direct Contracting participants but cancels second round of applications

The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation announced the 53 entities that have been accepted as participants in the new Global and Professional Direct Contracting model.

Nick Hut April 9, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Federal bailout money helped some of the nation’s wealthier hospitals prosper despite COVID-19

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles, including wealthier hospitals prospering despite COVID-19, oncologists seeing more new advanced-stage cancer patients and the burden of prior authorizations during COVID.

Deborah Filipek April 9, 2021

Risk contracting: Outlook and success factors for hospitals and health systems

An December 2020 HFMA survey, sponsored by GHX, found high levels of optimism, overall regarding the future of value-based payment.

Eric C. Reese, PhD March 30, 2021

Congressional hearing showcases the divergence in the two parties’ views on how to improve U.S. healthcare

One witness at a hearing of a House subcommittee touted price transparency as an essential tool for addressing healthcare costs.

Nick Hut March 27, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Hospitals await disbursement of remaining COVID-19 relief funds

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles, including hospitals waiting on COVID-19 relief funds, HHS postponing implementation of the SUNSET rule and confirmation of a new HHS assistant secretary for health who is the first openly transgender person to be confirmed for a position by the Senate.

Deborah Filipek March 25, 2021

Disproportionate Share Hospital funding to states doesn’t match up with key benchmarks, report finds

Disproportionate Share Hospital payments don’t always align with key metrics such as uninsured rates and uncompensated care costs, a new policy report finds.

Nick Hut March 17, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Biden administration appears to be well-aligned with all sectors of the industry

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles, including the industry’s alignment with President Biden, why many HHS regulations could be in peril and the effect of vaccines on chronic COVID-19 symptoms.

Deborah Filipek March 12, 2021

News Briefs: Latest patient volume data reveals some of the challenges facing hospitals in the COVID-19 era

Recent industry reports have quantified the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital patient volume.

Nick Hut February 22, 2021
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