Healthcare Reform

Healthcare News of Note: 53% of U.S. adults say they prefer in-person healthcare to telehealth visits moving forward, survey says

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: A majority of people prefer in-person healthcare to telehealth visits, patients have trouble grasping information during doctor visits, and Walmart taps an Ochsner exec to lead its healthcare expansion.

Deborah Filipek November 19, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Patients in the U.S. shouldered more than $21B in cancer care costs in 2019

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: U.S. patient cancer care costs totaled $21.09 billion in 2019, healthcare safety scores fell amid the pandemic, and states are leveraging MCO contracts to improve community SDOH.

Deborah Filipek November 8, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Providers should continue forward movement on improving digital patient access, survey suggests

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Expectations for convenient access to care in the pandemic era, a look at ICU bed use across the U.S., and the cost of hospitalizations among unvaccinated adults.

Deborah Filipek September 3, 2021

Two infrastructure bills have significant implications for healthcare and bipartisanship

Congress’ handling of two mammoth bills may well determine the political tone in Washington and whether there will be any room for bipartisanship for the remainder of President Joe Biden’s term.

Ken Perez August 26, 2021

HFMA, Boise State launch innovative Master in Population and Health Systems Management degree

The Healthcare Financial Management Association and Boise State University are launching the Master’s in Population and Health Systems Management degree in August.

Todd Nelson August 24, 2021

Feb. 24-28: Annual CMS quality meeting is among upcoming healthcare finance events

A complete listing of healthcare finance-related hearings, conferences, webinars, public forums and deadlines for the week of Feb. 24.

Rich Daly August 17, 2021

Jan. 13-17: MedPAC policy meeting is among upcoming healthcare finance events

A complete listing of healthcare finance-related hearings, conferences, webinars, public forums and deadlines for the week of Jan. 13.

Rich Daly August 17, 2021

Medicare for All — for what?

When seeking solutions for problems facing the industry, healthcare finance leaders should take an objective approach, seeking to clearly frame the problem the solutions are intended to address.

Michael M. Allen, FHFMA, CPA August 16, 2021

News of Note: U.S. healthcare ranks last in comparison with 10 other high-income countries in a report by The Commonwealth Fund

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Study says U.S. healthcare ranks last, LGBT+ community faces disparities, and 18 groups demand better healthcare.

Deborah Filipek August 13, 2021

Hospital care at home signifies an important innovation in acute care delivery

Although the CMS Acute Hospital Care at Home program is still early in its development in the U.S., early adopters show evidence of the program’s exciting promise, including positive impacts on health outcomes, an improved patient and provider experience, reduced cost of care and overall healthcare savings.

Shawn Stack July 23, 2021
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