Healthcare Reform

Why the Trump administration is pursuing hospital payment cuts that courts have rejected

The Trump administration is continuing to push hospital payment cuts rejected by courts to make the case to Congress that new laws are needed, according to a senior White House official.

Rich Daly November 13, 2019

Analysis: ‘Medicare for All’ supporters more concerned about cost

New survey results: Those that favor Medicare for All are more dissatisfied with the cost of healthcare and concerned about paying for care if they became ill.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 7, 2019

Analysis: 2018 Medicare ACO results: Promising but not sufficient

A review of CMS’s recently released 2018 MSSP prompts HFMA’s Chad Mulvany to suggest as a society, the U.S. needs find additional ways to close the deficit between our means to pay for federal healthcare programs and what these programs cost.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 5, 2019

Analysis: What to expect after the Texas vs. Azar ruling

There’s still much to be argued and dealt with regarding Texas versus Azar, and no final decision on the ACA should be expected until June 2020 at the earliest.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 5, 2019

Healthcare reform moves to the states: Strategies to increase access and control costs

An increasing number of states are looking to improve access and reduce costs by funneling innovations, such as a public option or reinsurance program, through Medicaid.

Pam Nicholson, MBA November 5, 2019

Nov. 4-8: A Medicare advisers meeting is among the week’s national healthcare events

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission’s two-day public meeting is among major healthcare finance events taking place this week.

Rich Daly November 1, 2019

Evolution of the consumer focus in healthcare

The potential benefits of consumer-driven health plans were espoused in the 1990s, and the concept began to be more fully embraced in the past decade.

Robert A. Dickinson, MBA October 31, 2019

Opponents of Medicare expansion should focus on pitfalls of proposals

Eye on Washington: Challenges to Medicare expansion and "Medicare for All" proposals should address some of the very real potential pitfalls of the proposal, including their projected price tags.

Rich Daly October 31, 2019

Amid lagging hospital risk taking, value-based payment advocates try to woo CFOs

Hospital CFOs are seen by others in healthcare as the key to spurring organizations and the industry at large to move from fee for service to risk-based payment models.

Rich Daly October 30, 2019

Hospital payment cuts fund state public-option plans

States are using hospital rate cuts as a key building block to support a growing number of public-option health plans.

Rich Daly October 25, 2019
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