Health Plan Payment and Reimbursement

What’s the blueprint for taking on risk?

Providers and health plans need to collaborate — both in the planning and execution of risk-based contracts — in order to make them work.

Rich Daly June 23, 2019

Opportunities and strategies for improving pharmacy financial performance

A roundtable of senior healthcare financial and pharmaceutical leaders that covers challenges and strategies for improving pharmacy financial performance.

HFMA June 18, 2019

Providers push arbitration approaches used in some state surprise-bill laws

What should Congress learn from states’ experiences with laws attempting to curtail surprise healthcare bills?

Rich Daly June 13, 2019

Timing, details unclear for executive order on price transparency

An expected executive order on healthcare price transparency continues to change, even as its release has been delayed, say policy watchers.

Rich Daly June 11, 2019

Arbitration approach the most likely option among pending surprise-bill legislation: analysts

Among numerous legislative approaches proposed to eliminate surprise healthcare bills, an approach using arbitration remains most popular in Congress, say legislative analysts.

Rich Daly May 30, 2019

Short-term plans have little adverse effect on insurance market: study

Although a federal boost to short-term insurance plans raised alarm among hospital advocates, early evidence suggests there has been little adverse impact on the individual insurance market.

Rich Daly May 20, 2019

New Healthcare Partnerships and Technology Bring Real Competition to Health Systems

Robert P. Chamberlain discusses the move toward employer-offered health care and how health systems can compete.

Robert P. Chamberlain February 1, 2019

Oct. 28-Nov. 2: As Open Enrollment Looms, Individual-Market Changes Coming

Oct. 25—Next week’s start of open enrollment for the individual health insurance marketplaces comes as the Trump administration moves forward with an overhaul.

Rich Daly October 26, 2018

Sept 30-Oct. 5: ACA Premiums to Decline for First Time

Sept. 27—Final premium rates for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplaces are expected to keep rolling in next week, even as the Trump administration is anticipating a historic first.

Rich Daly September 28, 2018

Aug. 27-31: Individual Market Rates Roll in Amid Tweaks

Aug. 23—States are scrambling to implement last-minute supports for the individual-insurance markets, even as 2019 rates begin to be finalized.

Rich Daly August 24, 2018
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