
How to refine medical record sharing to mitigate risk and improve productivity

Careful review of medical record sharing costs and responsibilities stated in managed care contracts can reduce providers' expenses and productivity burden during payer reviews and audits.

Greg Ford May 28, 2019

Henry Ford Health System Joins Direct-Contracting Trend

Henry Ford Health System expects to succeed in its direct-contracting initiative with General Motors, thanks in large part to its capabilities in areas such as analytics, case management, and patient engagement.

Lola Butcher January 21, 2019

Strategies for Crafting Stop-Loss Contracts

Chris Williams explains how to craft stop-loss contracts for employee health plans.

Chris Williams January 10, 2019

Creating PSAs That Promote a Meaningful Hospital-Physician Bond

Professional services agreements between hospitals and physicians should be structured to create integrated, binding relationships that support value-based strategies and creation of a high-performing provider networks.

John Fink December 26, 2018

Aligning Value-Based Contracts for Better Performance

A roundtable of senior financial leaders that offers strategies for evaluating, operationalizing, and aligning value-based contracts and care delivery work streams.

HFMA December 21, 2018

Your To-Do List When Health Plan Contracts Change

Six steps can help revenue cycle leaders manage health plan changes effectively.

Lola Butcher December 3, 2018

Understanding 5 Negotiation Styles

Understanding the five types of negotiating styles allows contracting staff to produce positive results during health plan discussions.

HFMA November 26, 2018

Solid Negotiation Skills Have an Impact on Health Plan Terms

Using human factors—knowledge, attitude, authority, objectivity, and negotiation skills—can help hospital contracting staff develop favorable terms with health plans.

Lauree E. Handlon November 26, 2018

Ask the Experts: Data for Health Plan Negotiations

What data do I need to arm myself with when going to the negotiation table with health plans?

HFMA November 26, 2018

Ask the Experts: Lesser-Than Provisions

What specific pitfalls should we look for in terms of lesser-than provisions?

HFMA October 9, 2018
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