How Providers Should Prepare for New Bundled Payments
Optimal preparation for new mandatory bundled payment models begins with establishing clear and achievable goals, focusing on inpatient costs and care variation, and reorganizing to manage post-acute spending.
Using New Distribution Models to Prepare for Bundled Payment Models
Hospitals that want to reduce costs as part of their bundled payment strategy should consider sales representative relationship changes.
Bundled Payments for Hospitals: Lessons in Collaboration
Donald E. Fry, MD, examines the benefits of bundled payment programs.
Ask the Experts: Developing a Bundled Payment Team
Who are the main players within finance and other departments who are typically involved in developing bundled payments?
CMS Bundles: Why Leave Millions on the Table?
Health systems will soon learn how successful their participation in the mandatory Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement program has been.
Bundled Payments: Value-Based Guidance
The authors share insights about bundled payment programs in an ever-changing healthcare environment.
Negotiating Maternity Care Bundles
UTHealth’s maternity bundled payment pilot encountered two challenges: developing fair and consistent quality measures and defining what services would be part of the bundle.
Prepping for Maternity Care Bundles
Many healthcare leaders think episode of care payments make sense for maternity and newborn care, but few know how to make them work. Those at the forefront of this payment innovation share what they have learned.
Ask the Experts: Bundled Payment Contracts
What are some changes in the way payment and reimbursement professionals should view health plan contracts when moving to bundled payments?
Forum Webinar: Bundled Payment Models: CJR and More
During this May 17, 2016, webinar, a hospital leader and a bundled payment expert shared their perspectives about the challenges of implementing bundled payment programs, specifically related to orthopedic episodes and physician engagement.