Payment Models

Survey: Providers have work to do on the journey to value

An HFMA survey sponsored by GHX found that the more revenue a healthcare organization has at risk in value-based contracts, the greater its capabilities for managing risk.

Eric C. Reese, PhD April 1, 2020

How to Succeed in the BPCI-A Program: Transforming Care Across the Continuum

A strategy-focused article about the importance of robust care coordination and management for successful participation in alternative advanced payment models. Includes information from a recent meeting of HFMA’s Value-Based Healthcare Innovation Council (VBHIC).

HFMA March 31, 2020

How to achieve best-in-class capability for value-based risk contracting

Health systems embarking on value-based contracting should give attention to three areas: understanding market profit pools, acknowledging inherent challenges in the health plan market, and developing the key elements that are essential for success.

Richard Weil, PhD March 12, 2020

How long will employers continue to tolerate healthcare cost growth in excess of inflation?

Employer frustration with high healthcare costs is translating into support for more aggressive governmental intervention in healthcare markets.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA March 6, 2020

Supreme Court’s decision to wait to hear ACA challenge benefits Republicans

Democrats appear to have a strong advantage over Republicans in having gained public trust regarding healthcare policy, so it may be in Republication's interest to steer clear of discussions of healthcare in the time leading up to the November 2020 election.

Gail R Wilensky, PhD March 2, 2020

“Medicare for All” isn’t equitable for all hospitals

A payment model in which 100% of payments are based on Medicare rates should take into account the inherent disadvantages of such an approach for the large hospitals, including academic medical centers, that provide most Medicare outlier cases.

Glen Kazahaya February 13, 2020

Implications for a CFO-led strategic response to a Medicare-based payment system

If a payment model that bases payment on Medicare rates is adopted, CFOs should prepare for its financial implications by implementing a modified benchmarking system that accounts for outliers.

Glen Kazahaya February 13, 2020

A single-payer system based on Medicare rates poses inherent challenges

A payment model under which 100% of payments are based on Medicare rates r\aises important questions of how to fund such a plan.

Glen Kazahaya February 13, 2020

Feb. 10-14: Release of the Trump administration’s FY21 budget is among upcoming healthcare finance events

A complete listing of healthcare finance-related hearings, conferences, webinars, public forums and deadlines for the week of Feb. 10.

Rich Daly February 10, 2020

What to expect from Medicaid block grant waivers

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says the macro design choice that matters to most to providers in any state that adopts the block grant program will be whether the state chooses the true block grant financing option, or if it selects a per capita cap based on the prior year’s enrollment.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA February 10, 2020
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