Payment Models

Strategic Financial Planning Fall 2019 Issue

The Strategic Financial Planning newsletter Fall 2019 issue features articles on price transparency, bond underwriters, direct contracting, M&As and business ethics.

HFMA October 7, 2019

Direct contracting models offer promise of expedited shift to value-based care

CMS’s Direct Contracting Models offer providers some substantial benefits, including access to capitation payments for Medicare fee-for-service members — without the investment costs in brokers and marketing to move members into Medicare Advantage.

Allen Miller, MPH October 5, 2019

3 features that distinguish BCPI-A from its predecessor

There are three primary ways in which the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BCPI-A) differs from the original BPCI model.

Douglas Ardoin Jr., MD, MBA October 3, 2019

How to present data to physicians to obtain their buy-in for a BCPI-A initiative

Healthcare administers should take four actions when presenting data to physicians to elicit their support for a initiative under the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced model.

Douglas Ardoin Jr., MD, MBA October 3, 2019

What’s the outlook for prescription drug price legislation given the bipartisan efforts underway

Eye on Washington: There appears to be bipartisan support in the U.S. Senate for legislation aimed at addressing the issue of high prescription drub prices.

Ken Perez October 3, 2019

Analysis: How a longer-term delay to Medicaid DSH cuts may play out

A review of CMS’s recent rule finalizing the ACA’s mandated Medicaid DSH cuts for FY2020 and how it may play out if some legislators demand changes to the rule.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA October 3, 2019

3 starter steps for health systems pursuing value-based contracts

A health system's ability to succeed under any of the new Medicare value-based payment programs will depend on how effectively it meets 3 strategic imperatives for effective performance in risk contracts.

Sheila H. Fusé October 2, 2019

Analysis: Tennessee proposes an overhaul to funding of its Medicaid program

HFMA's Chad Mulvany reviews Tennessee’s proposal to overhaul funding of its Medicaid program and shares why CMS is likely to reject it.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA September 30, 2019

New payment and service delivery models defined

A brief outline of new payment and service delivery models launched by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Theresa Hush August 31, 2019

Navigant Consulting, Inc.: Hospitals and Health Systems Prepare to Assume More Risk

: This research highlight discusses key takeaways from a May 2019 HFMA study of hospital and health system senior financial executives about their organizations’ interest in and capabilities for assuming risk.

HFMA August 31, 2019
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