Patient Experience

A New Era of Health Consumerism & Flexible Financing

The American healthcare system is experiencing significant shifts, moving past long-standingnorms. Health consumers increasingly want the new point-of-purchase financing options synonymous with today’s retail experience for their healthcare. Hospitals and health systems are turning to flexible financing solutions to meet today’s health consumers wherethey are,helping themplan forthe carethey needwithin theirbudgets.

Shannon Burke November 18, 2021

Market disruption: How 4 healthcare leaders are dealing with it in their own organizations

This roundtable reviews disruptors and how some healthcare leaders deal with new entrants to the market, telehealth and the trend of care shifting to a nonhospital environment.

HFMA November 4, 2021

Dr. Rumay Alexander, a nursing educator at UNC-Chapel Hill and leader of diversity initiatives, discusses why “checking the box” on diversity is not enough.

Racial disparities in the healthcare industry have long been an issue, with serious effects on outcomes. In this episode, Dr. Rumay Alexander discusses how the industry can begin to rebuild trust and shares some practical advice about how to build a program around diversity, equity and inclusion.

Jean Alcantara September 13, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Many new cancers in the U.S. may be going undiagnosed, a study by Quest Diagnostics shows

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Many new cancers may be going undiagnosed, research and media exposure leads to a reduction in hospitals suing patients for unpaid medical bills, and positive interactions with leadership boost healthcare worker well-being.

Deborah Filipek September 10, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Providers should continue forward movement on improving digital patient access, survey suggests

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Expectations for convenient access to care in the pandemic era, a look at ICU bed use across the U.S., and the cost of hospitalizations among unvaccinated adults.

Deborah Filipek September 3, 2021

Healthcare News of Note: Many hospitals report patient volumes returning to 2019 levels in June and July after lag in the early part of the year

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Hospital admissions are returning to 2019 levels, patients expect better provider communication, and most nurses are comfortable recommending the COVID-19 vaccine to patients.

Deborah Filipek August 26, 2021

Single-use endoscopes offer a safe way for healthcare providers to catch up on backlog of nonemergent care procedures

One company focuses on growing endoscopy departments of healthcare organizations with single-use devices. Learn about the benefits of single-use endoscopes and how to take advantage of these products.

HFMA August 26, 2021

How to engage with patients where they are by balancing automation with the human touch

As provider organizations develop sophisticated automated systems, they should also make sure patients always have an opportunity to talk with a real person in the organization, because patients tend to be drawn to organizations where they feel a personal connection. Providers should address this patient need by having dedicated staff whose role is to personally engage with patients.

Day Egusquiza August 26, 2021

Palliative Care in the ED Improves Value for Patients and Providers

Emergency departments that provide palliative care consults are seeing value in their initiatives.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA August 19, 2021

The first step toward improving price transparency and the patient financial experience

HFMA President and CEO Joe Fifer offers advice on where to begin improving the financial experience for consumers.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA August 16, 2021
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