Patient Access

CareCredit healthcare credit card provides flexible payment options for both patients and healthcare providers

Read about one company's payment solution that gives patients a way to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare costs while enabling health care organizations to receive payment for services within two business days.

HFMA December 1, 2022

Three opportunities to improve the patient experience — before the patient steps in the door

Providing a positive patient experience requires attention at every encounter. With today’s staffing shortages, however, this can be challenging.

HFMA September 9, 2022

Revenue cycle automation helps health systems regain financial footing during COVID-19 and beyond

Bots and other forms of automation are helping hospitals keep up with the revenue cycle at a time when resources are limited.

Lisa A. Eramo, MA September 2, 2022

PMMC’s Estimator PRO increases pricing transparency and upfront collections

Looking to invest in software? One company uses a patient estimation system, which has resulted in enhanced productivity for more than 500 hospitals with an average 10 to 1 ROI.

Deborah Filipek August 31, 2022

Health Services Financing helps providers offer all patients a touchless financing program

One company uses its patient financing program to address patient access to care and the rising cost of healthcare, two of healthcare’s biggest challenges.

HFMA August 31, 2022

TransUnion Medicare DSH solution helps hospitals identify reimbursement opportunities

Medicare disproportionate share hospital payments payments help serve low-income populations, but comes with a set of challenges such as identifying eligible patients. See one company’s solution by leveraging unique processing and data integration.

HFMA August 31, 2022

Delivering scalable, patient-focused revenue cycle management services

A revenue cycle management company talks about the importance of experience, versatility, and customer service when responding to current and emerging revenue cycle challenges.

HFMA August 31, 2022

The shift toward integrated pharmacy services: driving long-term success

One driving factor for health systems and hospitals shift to in-house integration pharmacy services is average turnaround time. For an outsourced specialty pharmacy, turnaround is 10 to 14 days, whereas an in-house specialty pharmacy can reduce that time to just 2.1 days.

HFMA August 31, 2022

Prioritization helps drive success in healthcare

A survey found that the most successful healthcare organizations are those that embrace consumerism and proactively seek ways to better meet patient needs.

Jeni Williams August 26, 2022

HFMA’s virtual revenue cycle and price transparency series focuses on helping health systems re-engage consumers and improve financial performance

Beginning March 1, healthcare finance professionals can participate in several educational sessions and peer-to-peer discussions by enrolling in HFMA's virtual revenue cycle and price transparency workshop.

Deborah Filipek August 26, 2022
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