MedPAC backs Medicare changes to increase hospital pay in 2021 by up to 3.3%
For 2021, MedPAC has recommended that hospitals’ Medicare rates increase 2%, plus a potential 0.8% quality bonus and elimination of a 0.5% quality cut.
How using artificial intelligence enabled Flagler Hospital to reduce clinical variation
Flagler Hospital used an artificial intelligence application to support physician-led efforts to develop and adopt care pathways aimed at improving care quality and outcomes while reducing cost.
Analysis: Advanced analytics company partners with Emory Healthcare
If healthcare providers are going to be successful in lowering the cost of healthcare, they may need to find a partner that can crunch the data to help them understand their cost to deliver care at the case/patient level.
Payer-provider partnership success stories
Partnering with a health plan has been shown to be an effective strategy for health systems undertaking a value-based payment strategy.
A tailored approach to value-based care product development
To be successful, a value-based-payment initiative must be tailored to the provider organization's market and capabilities.
7 keys to engaging physicians for success under BPCI-A
Physician engagement is a critical success factor for health systems that are pursuing bundled payment initiatives.
Innovation in hospitals can ‘turbocharge’ advances
Once you learn innovation processes, and the tools used by peers, you can apply innovation anywhere in your organization.
HFMA leaders expand Association’s presence at Abu Dhabi Healthcare Information Summit
HFMA leaders presented a revenue cycle session and met with delegates attending an AHIMA international summit in the United Arab Emirates.
If CINs could talk, what would they tell hospitals?
Integration: Clinically integrated networks (CINs) require increased attention if they are to fulfill their full potential for delivering good, cost-effective care.
Strategy, technology and tactics for sustainable performance improvement
Results of a recent survey, in which hospital and health system leaders described areas where their organizations have the greatest need for performance improvement, point to four key strategic areas of focus for these leaders.