Taking a Holistic View of Procure-to-Pay
An in-depth look at how one company is enabling more efficient procure-to-pay processes to streamline healthcare organizations’ financial operations.
Primary Care Clinic Increases Access Without More Providers
Saint Louis University General Internal Medicine primary care clinic reduced patient call and appointment wait times and added an average of 218 appointments per month after implementing an automated phone system and outsourcing scheduling.
Transforming Patient Access and Engagement
St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital overcame patient access challenges with more than a technological fix. The hospital necessitated a culture change and put a high priority on data capture and analysis of previously unmeasured KPIs.
Taking on Risk? Top Ways to Leverage Strategic Partnerships for Integrated Care
Jim Wieland discusses the steps a practice took, and the lessons it learned, as it formed the nation’s first cardiology accountable care organization.
Telepsychiatry: Improving the Provider Distribution Model
Geoffrey Boyce explains how using technology can address both behavioral health workforce shortages and geographical challenges as the need for greater availability of behavioral health services grows.
Calculating KPIs for Value-Based Payment Models
If hospitals and health systems know the patients for whom they’re at risk and the benchmarks against which they are held accountable, they can lower costs and improve outcomes for an entire population—not just a single patient.
Key Factors in Cath Lab Financial Performance
The average cath lab program generates a negative profit margin on Medicare patients, and that population is growing. Analyzing cath lab care pathway design can help hospital leaders bend the cost curve back to operating profitability.
Regional Hospital’s Focus on Rapid Results Reaps $6M in Savings
Henry Ford West Bloomfield uses 100-day productivity cycles to improve operations and reduce waste. Over a three-year period, the hospital saved $8.7 million contributing to a financial performance turnaround.
Outsourced Revenue Cycle Operations Experience Higher Denial Rates
Outsourced revenue cycle operations have lower performance on denial rates but other factors may still make outsourcing a viable option.
Launching Revenue Integrity Programs in Hospital-Owned Practices
University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center’s revenue integrity program ensures a formal process to perform regular audits and educate physicians and their staff about compliance, and under-coding as well as over-coding.