Productivity and Process Improvement

First, last and only: Seizing the opportunity for patient financial conversations

Eric Foust of IntegraConnect and Chris Watanabe, a former executive at the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority, talk about the particular challenges of collecting patient information during an ambulance transport. Then, in a sponsored segment by CareCredit, senior vice president Tuck Ross will talk about the behavior and treatment of patients as consumers.

Erika Grotto July 19, 2019

Master disaster: Preparedness tips from FEMA and HHS

Melissa Harvey of the National Healthcare Preparedness Program and Charles Reneau of the Center for Domestic Preparedness discuss how hospitals can better prepare for natural and man-made disasters, plus a special appearance from amateur weatherman Frankie MacDonald.

Erika Grotto July 19, 2019

Lessons in women’s leadership

Women from a panel discussion at HFMA's Annual Conference talk about their leadership experiences.

Erika Grotto July 19, 2019

Care management for Medicare patients drives more than 50% of savings

Care management for Medicare patients accounted for more than half of the shared savings in a study of three accountable care organizations.

HFMA July 14, 2019

Joint venture removes provider, patient and payer barriers

A joint venture between Banner Health and Aetna aligns value-based care with economic incentives to reduce the cost of care.

Ed Avis July 14, 2019

Coordinated care reduces hospitalizations

Aetna joint ventures reduced unnecessary hospitalizations by 7% in the first four months of 2018 as compared to CY17, according to Brigitte Nettesheim, president, North Central Region & Joint Ventures for Aetna. Nettesheim says the improvement in hospitalization rates is supported by coordinated care and direct contact with patients and their physicians.  “As an example,…

HFMA July 14, 2019

Dental center prevents ED visits, provides hospital referrals

St. Bernard Hospital Dental Center offers comprehensive and hard-to-access oral health services and surgeries to pediatric and adult patients on Medicaid, particularly special needs patients, which reduces costly emergency department visits and offers referral opportunities to other hospital services.

Ed Avis July 14, 2019

CMMI chief: Administration’s value push will continue if ACA struck down

The senior government official in charge of creating value-based payment models said the Trump administration’s commitment to such models would continue even if the law authorizing his office is struck down in an ongoing court challenge.

Rich Daly July 8, 2019

How hospitals saved $1,000 per case in a mandatory bundle

Several hospital approaches were key to obtaining savings of nearly $1,000 per episode in Medicare’s first mandatory bundled payment model.

Rich Daly July 3, 2019

How one hospital improved patient access, specialty referrals and completed-appointment rates

Texas Children’s Hospital achieved financial and operational improvements after streamlining referral and scheduling processes to better accommodate providers and patients.

Richelle Fleischer, CPA, MPH July 3, 2019
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