Mystery Markups: Medical Supply and Drug Pricing Policies Vary Across Hospitals
Hospital markup policies that set prices for medical supplies and pharmaceuticals can vary significantly across the country, leading to large variances in drug and supply charges.
Executive Summary: CMS Quality Payment Program 2018 Final Rule
This document briefly summarizes key financial and operational impacts from the 2018 Quality Payment Program (QPP) final rule, published by CMS.
What Revenue Cycle Departments can Learn from the Hospitality Industry
An emphasis on customer service can help revenue cycle staff increase cash flow, mitigate denial risk, and improve customer satisfaction.
Urgent Care Moves to Homes, Offices, Hotels
Offering urgent care and primary care house calls will pay off in the long run through lower total costs, more efficient care delivery, and improved patient satisfaction, say two provider organizations that are taking the lead in implementing such programs.
House Calls for Frail, Elderly Patients Enhance Value
House calls for frail, elderly patients have not gained traction under fee for service but could be a vital component of value-based care.
Early Physician Involvement Vital in Advanced Care Delivery Models
When a healthcare organization plans to implement an advanced care delivery model, early physician involvement is key because of the role that physicians play in many parts of the operation.
Looking Beyond Utilization Management: Controlling Inpatient Cost in a Value-Based Environment
As healthcare costs continue to rise in the United States, physicians have a unique view of how dollars are spent and where the greatest savings opportunities are.
Virtual Work Drives Productivity at Cleveland Clinic
Since initiating its remote worker program, Cleveland Clinic’s revenue cycle department has experienced a 13 percent increase in productivity.
Understanding the Problem of Claim Processing Waste
Even small improvements in connectivity and transparency could save a few dollars per healthcare claim, which adds up very quickly.
Prioritizing Accounts Helps Sanford Health Lift Patient Payments by $2.1M
Scoring and segmenting patients according to their propensity to pay, combined with using an automated dialer, can significantly improve the productivity of patient account teams.