Operations Management

April 2-6 Policy Watch: National Opioid Summit to Highlight Challenges

March 29—Policymakers and healthcare providers will gather in Atlanta next week to identify effective approaches to an opioid crisis that appears to be worsening, according to new data.

Rich Daly March 29, 2018

Pursuing Data-Driven Workforce Management

This article discusses how Premier Inc. partners with health systems to reimagine workforce management, offering integrated data and advisory services to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and drive performance.

HFMA March 23, 2018

The Future of the Hospital

Reduced utilization of hospitals has many calling their future usefulness into question.

James H. Landman, JD, PhD March 21, 2018

HealthTrust: Optimizing Purchased Services

Andrew Motz, assistant vice president, supply chain consulting at HealthTrust, discusses the value of a data-driven approach when procuring purchased services.

HFMA March 21, 2018

New Program Seeks to Enhance Care of Elderly Patients

Two national organizations seek to spread the “Age-Friendly Health Systems” movement to 20 percent of all health systems by 2020.

Lola Butcher March 19, 2018

Undoing Siloes to Improve the Patient Experience

A health system has improved the patient experience with a variety of new processes and protocols, including the introduction of a new patient access center and tutoring by physician coaches.

Karen Wagner March 19, 2018

What Do Finance Leaders Have to Do With High-Reliability Patient Care?

John Johnston describes the role of the finance leader in developing a culture of proactively mitigating failures.

John Johnston March 14, 2018

March 12-16 Policy Watch: Congress to Review Drug Price Controls in Budget

March 8—The Trump administration has begun to put specifics behind its standing priority to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, including in its budget, which will be reviewed by a congressional panel next week.

Rich Daly March 8, 2018

MaineHealth Achieves Supply Chain Collaboration Among Member Hospitals

By identifying key supply chain opportunities and process flow issues that needed correction, MaineHealth saved approximately $16 million in 2015, the first year of its overhaul; $27 million in 2016; and more than $34 million in 2017.

HFMA February 23, 2018

BPCI Advanced Improves Care, Physician Alignment, and Revenue

A healthcare thought leader explains how hospitals can generate savings, improve clinical care, and foster physician alignment by participating in BPCI Advanced. 

Lisa A. Eramo February 21, 2018
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