Service Line Analytics: Sound Decision-Making Starts with Reliable Data
Healthcare organizations are recognizing that incorporating service line analytics into strategic activities enables better understanding of each area’s financial and operational impacts. In addition, service line analytics signal when real-time improvements are needed and drive more informed decision-making.
Cost Accounting Evolves as Provider Needs Change
Organizations can use their current data to understand what it truly costs to deliver healthcare services. Using existing data and automating the pull of that data also allows for less human intervention to maintain cost accounting models.
Avoiding Costly Mistakes When Purchasing Financial Software
By understanding what to include in their RFPs, finance leaders can make sure they select the best cost accounting, decision support, and business intelligence platforms.
June 11-15: HHS Secretary to Detail Drug Plan
June 7—Members of Congress next week will press the federal government’s healthcare leader on the Trump administration’s new initiative to control drug costs.
Innovating to Care for High-Need, High-Cost Patients
Providers and health plans need to broaden their views to find and implement approaches that deliver greater value to the patient while ensuring the financial sustainability of the system.
Purchased Services Contracting Do’s and Don’ts
Carefully worded language in purchased service contracts can help healthcare organizations enjoy good relationships with business partners.
Offshore Versus Domestic Outsourced Coding Services: A Comparative Assessment
Although offshore outsourced medical record coding services are widely believed to a cost-effective outsourcing option, a recent study identified concerns that healthcare providers considering this option should address before moving forward.
Why Organizational Culture is Critical to Success
Effective leadership requires good communications skills as well as a strong vision.
Trending Toward Home Care: Is Our Health System Ready?
The advancement of telemedicine and home-based technology presents both opportunities and challenges with respect to improving health care and making it safer.
Pursuing an Integrated Approach to Pharmacy
This article looks at Premier’s work in helping health systems improve their pharmacy operations to be more integrated, cost-effective, and patient-focused.