Operations Management

Prices of drugs for diabetes, heart failure and more will be up for negotiation in Medicare next year

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Tuesday announced the first 10 Medicare Part D drugs that will be subject to price negotiations, the headlining healthcare-related provision of the Inflation Reduction Act. Signed in August 2022, the law gave Medicare authority to negotiate with drug manufacturers over the prices of selected drugs.…

Nick Hut August 29, 2023

Data indicate hospital operational logjams haven’t ceased after the public health emergency (updated)

Note: The fourth section of this article has been updated with news of proposed mandatory staffing ratios for long-term care facilities. Some of the problems that strained hospital operations during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic have eased, but not enough to mark a true industrywide recovery, a recently released report suggests. Notably, the process…

Nick Hut August 24, 2023

Children’s hospitals swim against the tide to improve the health of their patients and communities

As the nation’s pediatric hospitals strive to keep kids healthy, they face obstacles that reflect the difficulty of enacting structural changes in care delivery. Even pediatric hospitals that are eager to engage in value-based payment (VBP) models can have a hard time establishing the type of network that allows them to affect the holistic health…

Nick Hut August 22, 2023

5 ways end-to-end RCM improves the employee experience

In today’s healthcare landscape, it can be very difficult to find and retain top talent. The key? Improve the employee experience. See the 5 ways end-to-end RCM can enhance your team’s day-to-day, creating a superior work environment that speaks for itself. Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to improve the employee experience by enabling more…

HFMA August 18, 2023

Cyberattack leaves hospitals scrambling in several states

A recent attack was the latest to illustrate the potential of cybercriminals to cause havoc across an interstate health system. The Los Angeles-based Prospect Medical Holdings system incurred a ransomware attack Aug. 3 that temporarily required some patients to be diverted from emergency departments and relegated hospitals to using paper records and incorporating other downtime…

Nick Hut August 7, 2023

How to staff smarter and reduce reliance on expensive travel contracts

To bridge the healthcare staffing gap and tackle workforce issues such as burnout, spikes in labor costs, and rising retirements among nurses, hospitals and healthcare facilities need a technology-driven approach that empowers staffing managers with the control needed to address fluctuating patient volume without understaffing or overspending on labor. This How-To guide highlights the challenges,…

HFMA August 3, 2023

5 things to know about Medicare’s FY24 final rule for inpatient payments as hospitals foresee adverse impacts

The FY24 final rule for Medicare inpatient payments didn’t bring hospitals the type of rate update they sought, and for some organizations a bigger concern is changes to uncompensated care (UC) payments and disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments. Here are five big points about the regulations, which take effect Oct. 1 and also cover Medicare…

Nick Hut August 2, 2023

The latest on hospital finances: Signs of improvement, but margins remain tight

Industry-level hospital financial insights reflect the mixed results of a recovery that’s in progress but is expected to be a long slog. In a 2023 midyear report (login required), Moody’s Investors Service noted that margins are below 3% for a third of the company’s rated hospitals. Before the pandemic, only about 6% had margins in…

Nick Hut July 27, 2023

House committee approves bill requiring national provider identifiers for off-campus outpatient departments

A bill with widespread support in Congress would affect hospital billing procedures at off-campus outpatient departments if it becomes law. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce on July 12 unanimously approved legislation called the Transparency in Billing Act, which states that starting in 2024, hospital claims for items and services furnished in off-campus…

Nick Hut July 19, 2023

Medicare outpatient payments to hospitals won’t rise considerably in 2024, according to a proposed rule

Medicare’s newly proposed outpatient payment update for 2024 is unlikely to be greeted with enthusiasm by hospitals. The update for items and services provided in the hospital outpatient or ambulatory surgical center setting would be 2.8%, mirroring the proposed change for inpatient payments. The base update would be 3%, with a statutorily required productivity adjustment…

Nick Hut July 14, 2023
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