Operations Management

Top long-range challenges for healthcare organizations in the aftermath of COVID-19

An industry expert explains why the long-term challenges healthcare organizations will face in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis will vary considerably, depending on each organization’s circumstances.

Deborah Filipek May 14, 2020

The coronavirus launches providers into new world of virtual healthcare

The new focus on virtual healthcare in the post-COVID-19 world will bring about an unprecedented industry transformation.

William T. Eggbeer, MBA May 11, 2020

Health systems may require a smaller real estate footprint post-pandemic

Although there's an opportunity to reduce facility costs and generate revenue by selling idle real estate as a result of telework and virtual care delivery post-pandemic, the transition to virtual visits may have a negative impact on provider revenue that exceeds the savings.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 7, 2020

Decline in healthcare spending contributing to economic downturn

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says the nation's economy and the health of its citizens could suffer if regular healthcare services continue to lag due to ongoing public concerns about COVID-19.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA May 6, 2020

Enhanced care coordination provides a blueprint for optimal healthcare, former VA Secretary David Shulkin says

The U.S. healthcare system will thrive if leaders and policymakers take steps to promote holistic care and better access, says David Shulkin, MD, former secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Nick Hut May 5, 2020

How hospitals should capture COVID-19 costs to maximize grants from FEMA, CARES Act

To ensure their organizations get a fair share of the billions of dollars in reimbursement and grants available to healthcare providers during COVID-19, finance leaders need a plan for accurately capturing costs.

Laura Ramos Hegwer May 4, 2020

Cardiac Surgical Product Adoption Survey

Survey analysis reveals important learnings from a February 2020 HFMA-conducted study, sponsored by Edwards Lifesciences, about cardiac surgical product adoption.

HFMA May 1, 2020

Factors that Influence Cardiac Surgical Technology Purchases

A visual analysis of a February 2020 HFMA survey about factors that influence cardiac surgical technology decisions.

HFMA May 1, 2020

Survey: Hospitals overspending on corporate services could reduce costs without impacting quality

Important learnings from a November 2019 HFMA-conducted survey about corporate services spending patterns and how organizations could be more efficient and effective with their spend.

HFMA April 30, 2020

Online community value is apparent amid the COVID-19 outbreak

There has been a surge of activity in HFMA's Community groups since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, as HFMA members seek to share insights with their peers to help them respond to the crisis.

Melanie Binder April 29, 2020
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