Operations Management

Buyer’s Guide: Patient financial engagement technologies

This whitepaper is a buyer’s guide to assist in understanding the benefits of how adopting new technology to increase patient financial engagement can improve the bottom line while improving the patient experience:

HFMA October 16, 2023

Healthcare labor union activity gains steam: The consequences for hospitals and health systems

Note: The lead section of this article was updated Oct. 16 with news of a tentative agreement between Kaiser Permanente and the unions. When around 75,000 staff at Kaiser Permanente went on strike for three days starting Oct. 4, they represented more than just the largest-ever labor stoppage in the healthcare industry. They also exemplified…

Nick Hut October 10, 2023

Insights on population health management challenges through the eyes of C-suite leaders

Population health management is at a crossroads, and one key to ensuring its viability is to bolster stakeholder trust in the potential of value-based payment (VBP) models. That was a key takeaway from healthcare executives who took part in a September panel discussion at the 23rd annual Population Health Colloquium, hosted by the Jefferson College…

Nick Hut October 5, 2023

Healthcare News of Note: Most nursing facilities are short staffed under CMS’s proposed long-term care rule, says KFF

Over the past few weeks, I have found these industry news stories that should be of interest to healthcare finance professionals. 1. CMS’s proposed rule puts nursing facilities in a tough spot Fewer than 1 in 5 nursing facilities would meet hours-per-resident-per-day (HPRD) provisions outlined in CMS’s new proposed rule for long-term care facilities, which…

Deborah Filipek September 29, 2023

Solving the nursing crisis: 3 lessons learned from the COVID-19 experience

Accounts of the nursing shortage may vary in emphasis, but the contours of the crisis are plain: The United States does not have enough nurses to deliver the high quality of patient care that all healthcare organizations are mandated to provide. This challenge is driving healthcare facilities to rethink how they staff themselves in the…

Jeff Richards, MMSc, MBA September 22, 2023

The intersection of quality and finance, with Rick Gundling and Stephanie Mercado

HFMA's Rick Gundling and Stephanie Mercado from the National Association for Healthcare Quality discuss how all entities within a healthcare organization can work for better quality.

Erika Grotto September 11, 2023

Published data quantify how cost increases will continue to affect the healthcare industry next year

The cost to treat patients will accelerate next year, with ramifications across the healthcare industry, according to newly published projections. PwC’s Health Research Institute reported that the cost of providing care will increase by 7% in 2024, up from a 6% increase this year and 5.5% in 2022. A 7% increase would tie 2021 for…

Nick Hut September 7, 2023

Stemming the outpatient profit squeeze with a revenue cycle workflow gap analysis

Hospital and health system outpatient, outreach and ancillary services are often confined to EHR systems to manage their billing. Designed for bigger-ticket, lower-volume claims, these systems lack specific front-end intelligence, system connectivity, and automation necessary to efficiently manage these departments’ unique billing need. Too often, the result is an unnecessarily high number of submission errors,…

HFMA September 6, 2023

Summary: 10 vital responses to healthcare disruption

Note: This article is a summary of a report on HFMA’s Spring Thought Leadership Retreat. The full report is available to download. Disruption is reverberating throughout the healthcare industry, and it’s incumbent on legacy organizations to develop strategic responses for the benefit of their consumers, their communities and themselves. With that overarching challenge becoming ever…

Nick Hut August 30, 2023

Patient access: The key to a healthy revenue cycle

As hospitals and physician groups face ongoing labor shortages and skyrocketing costs, maintaining effective Patient Access processes is critical. Ensuring efficiency and accuracy upstream helps prevent delayed reimbursement downstream—while supporting a positive patient experience. Download this whitepaper to explore the three patient access processes that can help protect revenue and improve the patient experience. Identify…

HFMA August 29, 2023
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