Financial Sustainability Report: July 2021
The July 2021 issue of the Financial Sustainability Report, sponsored by Kaufman Hall, includes an account of how one health system assessed the benefits and risk associated with moving its 340B covered-entity pharmacy enterprise to a Limited Liability Company. The issue also includes a commentary on CMS’s new Acute Hospital Care at Home program and a discussion of a new metric, equivalent net patient revenue (ENPR), which organizations can use to assess the relative value of proposed investments in alternative revenue sources.
Study establishes a link between surges in COVID-19 cases and risk of mortality at hospitals
Statistical analysis shows nearly a quarter of COVID-19 deaths during the first six months of the pandemic could be ascribed to high caseloads at hospitals.
In 2022 OPPS rule, CMS plans to reinstate policies pertaining to the inpatient-only and ASC covered-procedures lists
The 2022 proposed rule for the Outpatient Prospective Payment System would reverse 2021 policies that began to phase out the inpatient-only list of procedures and expand the covered-procedures list for ambulatory surgical centers.
Moving a 340B covered entity’s pharmacy enterprise to an LLC may prove beneficial, but it requires a feasibility study
University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics (UUHC) in Salt Lake City performed research to assess the feasibility of moving its 340B covered-entity pharmacy enterprise to a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), with a focus on risks that should be factored into the decision. Other organizations that are considering such a move could benefit from adopting UUHC’s assessment approach.
CMS’s 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule: A look at telehealth provisions and overall payment rate changes
Clinicians will be able to seek payment for providing mental health visits to Medicare beneficiaries via audio-only telehealth, according to newly proposed regulations from CMS.
Newer payment models should be part of holistic transformation efforts, CMS deputy administrator says
Healthcare industry stakeholders can expect a new approach to how federal payment models are formulated, as a newly released rule for Medicare coverage of kidney care illustrates.
Local production, living stockpiles part of effort to secure hospital supply chain
Hospital executives are still working to correct deficiencies in the supply chain that were exposed by the pandemic.
Financial metrics show a steady recovery for hospitals as the COVID-19 pandemic subsides
The latest financial data from the hospital sector paints a picture of a continuing recovery from the depths of the pandemic.
Healthcare News of Note: S&P says outlook is stable for not-for-profit healthcare sector
Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: The not-for-profit healthcare sector outlook was upgraded to stable, new research explores the higher risks facing certain racial and ethnic groups during COVID-19, and OIG finds that CMS lacks the tools to assess hospital quality and safety during an infectious disease outbreak.
Medicare should update its policies for separately payable drugs in the Outpatient Prospective Payment System, MedPAC says
Worthwhile changes include requiring drugs to be proven clinically superior before granting them pass-through payment status, according to a new report.