Operations Management

The impact of claims denials on the financial health of healthcare

While their hospitals and healthcare centers have long had to deal with claims denials, the number of denied claims continues to rise and payers are showing little inclination to help solve the problem, according to several roundtable participants.

HFMA March 29, 2023

Best practices for relieving unprecedented cost pressures facing healthcare providers

Due to labor cost increases, inflation, declining Medicare reimbursements and other reasons, health systems across the nation are feeling a new financial strain after the height of the pandemic.

HFMA March 29, 2023

2023 Change and Strategy Research Report

HFMA, with sponsorship from Guidehouse, surveyed 182 health system CFOs, CEOs, and other executives to understand how staffing and patient volumes are expected to change in 2023, and how various market factors may be influencing strategy and goals.

HFMA January 18, 2023

Revenue Cycle Operations Research Summary Report

HFMA, with sponsorship by Currance, surveyed 110 healthcare CFOs and revenue cycle, finance and accounting executives to understand how satisfied healthcare providers are with their current revenue cycle operations, and what they find most valuable.

Currance October 19, 2022

Finance and IT Collaboration Survey Report

HFMA, with sponsorship by CereCore, surveyed 238 healthcare CFOs and finance executives to understand what healthcare finance professionals expect from their IT colleagues, how they currently collaborate and what improvements can be made.

HFMA October 19, 2022

Cost Reduction Program Summary Report

HFMA, with sponsorship from Strata Decision Technology, surveyed 185 healthcare finance, accounting and revenue cycle executives to understand cost reduction programs and how effective they are. The survey indicates that while 89% of healthcare organization have some type of cost reduction program in place, only 6% say their program is extremely effective. Survey respondents select…

HFMA August 2, 2022

How to Structure Data Governance in Healthcare; Data Governance in Healthcare, Part 1

This three-part blog series will explore what makes an organization high-performing in its use of data and analytics. Data governance in healthcare requires three components, starting with effective internal data governance structures that encourage executive buy-in and sponsorship, collecting the right data, and measuring the return on data and analytics investment.

HFMA May 17, 2022

Measuring What Matters; Data Governance in Healthcare, Part 2

This three-part blog series will explore what makes an organization high-performing in its use of data and analytics. Data governance in healthcare requires three components, starting with effective internal data governance structures that encourage executive buy-in and sponsorship, collecting the right data, and measuring the return on data and analytics investment.

HFMA May 17, 2022

Realizing ROI on Data Governance and Analytics in Healthcare; Data Governance in Healthcare, Part 3

This three-part blog series will explore what makes an organization high-performing in its use of data and analytics. Data governance in healthcare requires three components, starting with effective internal data governance structures that encourage executive buy-in and sponsorship, collecting the right data, and measuring the return on data and analytics investment.

HFMA May 17, 2022

Cost-Reduction Strategies Boost, Sustain Recovery

Persistent pandemic conditions are forcing hospitals and health systems to stretch their thinking as they set strategic goals. They are adjusting to managing fluctuating levels of care along with addressing shifts in payer mix, consumers’ demands and increasing cost pressures. These changes, combined with the challenge of inconsistent patient volumes, is putting unprecedented financial pressures…

HFMA February 4, 2022
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