Operations Management

Improving Health and Financial Outcomes With Evidence-Based Clinical Decision Support

Joe Guerriero explores provider use of evidence-based clinical decision support tools.

Joe Guerriero January 10, 2017

Healthcare Innovation: What’s the Return on Value?

Healthcare finance leaders have an opportunity in 2017 to shape the future for U.S. health care by helping populations, organizations, and individuals to thrive.

Daniel R. Verdon January 9, 2017

Establishing Quality Interactions With Patients

One emergency medicine physician group raised its patient satisfaction scores from below the 20th percentile to the 99th percentile.

HFMA January 9, 2017

A Physician’s Advice on Protecting Productivity and Boosting Patient Satisfaction

A physician gives advice on protecting productivity and boosting patient satisfaction.

HFMA January 9, 2017

How First Physician Corp. Turned Around Its Patient Satisfaction Scores

One emergency medicine physician group raised its patient satisfaction scores from below the 20th to the 99th percentile. Leaders credit a variety of strategies, including sharing unblinded physician data every quarter.

Laura Ramos Hegwer January 9, 2017

How First Physician Corp. Turned Around Its Patient Satisfaction Scores

One emergency medicine physician group raised its patient satisfaction scores from below the 20th to the 99th percentile. Leaders credit a variety of strategies, including sharing unblinded physician data every quarter.

Laura Ramos Hegwer January 9, 2017

Getting Ready for 2017: Five Focus Areas for Medical Groups

Medical groups should focus on five key areas to optimize their position in 2017, with challenges looming in the areas of payment, consumer engagement, population health management, and provider alignment.

Lucy Zielinski January 9, 2017

Getting Ready for 2017: Five Focus Areas for Medical Groups

Medical groups should focus on five key areas to optimize their position in 2017, with challenges looming in the areas of payment, consumer engagement, population health management, and provider alignment.

Lucy Zielinski January 9, 2017

NYU Langone Medical Center Achieves Cost Reductions Through Rehab Fine-Tuning

Early mobilization and other strategies cut length of stay, acute rehab utilization, and post-acute costs. The medical center’s ICU project alone yields $1.5 million in savings.

Robert Fojut November 15, 2016

CHECK Targets Chronic Care Costs For Children

A care coordination program targeted toward children with chronic conditions who are also on Medicaid aims to reduce healthcare costs and improve patient engagement and outcomes.

HFMA November 10, 2016
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