Operations Management

Financial-Clinical Integration in 2017

Advisory Board’s John Johnston discusses the significant margin implications of care redesign initiatives—and the importance of financial and clinical teams working in tandem.

John Johnston January 31, 2017

Productivity Growth Remains a Key Success Factor in the New Healthcare Economy

There is little question that 2017 will be another year of unprecedented change for health care, potentially signaling another positive step toward better aligning systems to achieve the Triple Aim.

Daniel R. Verdon January 31, 2017

Helping Clinical Leadership Manage and Control Nurse Staffing Costs

Clinical and financial staff must work together in order to create a nurse staffing strategy that serves the organization’s needs.

Spence Lloyd January 30, 2017

Alternative Payment Model Initiatives at Banner Health

Banner Health participates in a variety of alternative payment models, including the Comprehensive Primary Care initiative, Oncology Care Model, bundled payments, and more.

Elizabeth Barker January 26, 2017

Patient Engagement: Establishing Patients as Partners in Care

Dorothy Fisher, MD, writes that successfully engaging patients requires thinking like them and offering robust resources and service choices.

Dorothy Y. Fisher January 24, 2017

Consumer Engagement in the Wake of the Election

At a time of potential turmoil in health care, organization leaders must be more mindful than ever of the need to earn consumers’ trust.

FHFMA January 24, 2017

Lessons from a Leading ACO Performer

Strategies ranging from aligned partnerships to investments in technology to provider and patient education have helped Banner Health Network thrive in the Pioneer Accountable Care Organization program.

Elizabeth Barker January 24, 2017

TeleNICU Offers High-Value Care to Tiniest Patients

Mitch Hall of Children’s Health in North Texas describes a TeleNICU program that helps the tiniest pediatric patients, delivering high-quality care at an affordable rate.

Mitch Hall January 20, 2017

Treating the Mind and Body as One

U.S. health plans are pursuing ways to integrate behavioral health care and primary care with the goal of improving care for patients with mental health conditions.

Ceci Connolly January 19, 2017

Taking a Systematic Approach to Hospital Policy Development

Hospitals can develop effective policies by developing a “policy on policies,” taking into consideration content guidelines, making policies easily accessible by all staff, and considering how staff will interpret the policy language.

J. Stuart Showalter, JD, MFS January 17, 2017
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