Operations Management

New Traditions of Efficiency in Emergency Medicine

Kenneth J. Heinrich discusses how efficient handling of emergency department patients can maximize revenue and increase patient satisfaction.

Kenneth J. Heinrich May 9, 2017

Improving Children’s Health Pays Dividends for Decades

Shahab Dadjou of Children’s Hospital of Orange County describes how the health system is creating a “community of pediatricians” who are collaborating to transform pediatric care in Southern California.

Shahab Dadjou May 4, 2017

Pharmaceutical Waste and the Bottom Line

The cost of disposing of expired drugs can reach the billions each year, making efficient pharmacy practices key in a time when healthcare organizations are looking for ways to control spending.

Holly Russo May 3, 2017

Using Data Analytics to Transform Healthcare Management and Reduce Clinical Variation

Hospitals and health systems have entered a new era in which data analytics will play an increasingly vital role in identifying opportunities for improved performance.

Laurie Jaccard May 2, 2017

Preventing Readmissions: A Primary Care Strategy

To engage primary care physicians in efforts to reduce readmissions, a hospital should effectively communicate with them, support their educational needs, and seek their input regarding post-acute care provider options. 

Clive Fields, MD May 2, 2017

Charging Appropriately for Emergency Department Visits

To determine a fair charge for an emergency department visit, a hospital or health system must separate its costs into three categories.

David W. Young, DBA May 2, 2017

Case Example: A Large Medical Group Transitions to Value

The transition to value makes it necessary for healthcare organizations to find new ways to adapt to change.

HFMA April 28, 2017

Preparing for Value-Based Payment: Fundamental Change That Encompasses the Revenue Cycle

The transition to value makes it necessary for healthcare organizations to find new ways to adapt to change.

Jon Melling April 28, 2017

How Allina Health Used Data to Improve Quality and Reduce Cost

Data can be the key to improving financial performance while maintaining patient satisfaction.

Penny Wheeler April 28, 2017

Lean Construction Processes Maximize Value

Three recent projects, each in a different geographic location, stand out as strong examples of how implementing a collaborative approach and some fundamental Lean principles helped lay the groundwork for success.

Andrew Quirk April 25, 2017
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