Using New Distribution Models to Prepare for Bundled Payment Models
Hospitals that want to reduce costs as part of their bundled payment strategy should consider sales representative relationship changes.
Children’s Hospital Uses EHR to Save $6 for Every $1 Invested
Nationwide Children’s Hospital piloted a continuous improvement program that reduced total inpatient days, admissions, and emergency department visits. A major success factor was the capture of specific data with every patient encounter, creating systematic opportunities to improve patient outcomes and deliver care more efficiently.
ROi: Delivering a Complete Provider-Driven Supply-Chain and GPO Strategy
Greg Firestone, vice president, strategic customer relations for ROi, discusses a revolutionary approach to supply-chain management.
Value-Based Care Elevates the Role of the Registered Nurse in Primary Care
One way primary care practices can improve their likelihood of success in value-based care initiatives is by streamlining their practices with the help of their registered nurses.
Building Value Frameworks That Work for Patients
These practices can guide the design of value-analysis frameworks that promote value in patient care and outcomes.
Finding Cost Savings at HackensackUMC: A Six-Year Retrospective
A New Jersey hospital saved more than $12 million over six years by implementing an employee gainsharing program.
Can We Get a National Action Plan for Patient Safety?
Bipartisan collaboration among the nation’s political leaders is required to develop an action plan for ensuring patients receive safe, high-quality care within the U.S. healthcare system.
APCs: An Important Primary Care Resource for Value-Based Care
Health systems should look to advanced practice clinicians, including nurse practitioners and physician assistants, as qualified providers who can fill the gaps in primary care resulting from a declining supply of primary care physicians.
Hallmark Steering Committee Principles
One health system established clear rules of engagement and responsibilities for its steering committee charged with overseeing a performance improvement effort.
Hallmark In Brief
Hallmark Health System (Hallmark) is a two hospital system serving communities in the northern suburbs of Boston. It has outpatient facilities, physician practices, and community based services, including urgent care, home care, and hospice. Effective Jan. 1, 2017, Hallmark became