Care Process Redesign

Developing a Specialty Medical Home Contract

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center gastroenterologists have teamed with UPMC Health Plan to develop a specialty medical home contract for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. 

Lola Butcher February 16, 2018

Hospital COPD Bundle Curbs Costly Readmissions

University of Cincinnati Medical Center used improvement science to develop and implement a ‘COPD care bundle’ for COPD patients who are often readmitted due to care-delivery failures.

Laura Ramos Hegwer February 8, 2018

Humana’s ‘Bold Goal’ to Tackle Social Determinants of Health

Andrew Renda, MD, explains how Humana’s Bold Goal strategy is striving to address the social determinants of health in seven communities by piloting and implementing targeted interventions.

Andrew Renda January 18, 2018

The Strategic Value of Value

Local solutions that deliver high value care and create healthier populations are helping hospitals and health systems balance volume versus value challenges.

Carl Couch January 18, 2018

A Population Health ‘A-Ha’ Moment: Focusing Care Coordination on the Right Patients

Predictive data models can point to who will be hospitalized next year with accuracy that frequently surprises health practitioners.

Shantanu Phatakwala January 15, 2018

Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Support High-Value Care

Leading health systems are using PROMs to support shared decision-making and reduce wasteful treatments.

Lola Butcher December 18, 2017

Confronting Opioid Overprescribing Head-On

Three health systems are taking ownership of their role in the opioid epidemic with physician-led initiatives to alter pain management practices and help doctors live up to their commitment to do no harm.

Valerie Norton December 18, 2017

Community-Based Palliative Care Results in Positive Fiscal Impact for Providers and Payers

Community-based palliative care is a community-focused care management strategy that ideally reaches patients in the home, before their conditions seriously deteriorate. The result is care that creates better alignment with personal wishes and reduces economic burdens for all.

Greer Myers December 1, 2017

UI Health Cuts ED Homeless Patient Costs by 45 Percent

The Illinois public hospital pays $1,000 per patient per month to an outside agency to house 27 homeless patients in furnished, one-bedroom apartments. This investment is significantly less than the nearly $3,000 per patient per day that UI Health and managed care organizations were spending on some chronically homeless patients.

Laura Ramos Hegwer December 1, 2017

Why Hospitals Should Partner With Home Health Agencies

By bringing post-acute care into patient homes, home health services are reducing readmissions by 31 percent and overall healthcare costs by 24 percent. 

HFMA November 27, 2017
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