Operations and Other Technology

Creating an Integrated Healthcare Ecosystem Through Mobile Communication Technology

Mobile communication technology can allow a healthcare organization to operate more efficiently, resulting in cost savings and increased patient and staff satisfaction.

Brad Brooks July 27, 2018

Digital Identity in Healthcare: Building on the Banking Model

Gus Malezis describes lessons healthcare organizations can learn from the banking industry.

Gus Malezis July 19, 2018

6 Ways Tablets at Registration Deliver ROI to Enterprise Health Systems

The cost savings that result from eliminating paper forms at patient check-in can be significant for health systems.

Deborah Theobald June 4, 2018

Health Care’s Technological Revolution Is Here!

Rubin Pillay describes how technological advances will cause disruption in health care.

Rubin Pillay May 17, 2018

From What to How: Moving from Planning to Execution

When data-driven strategy management tools are used, transparency and accountability create speed to solution, speed to execution, and competency in execution. 

Tim Shoger May 11, 2018

The Digital Imperative for U.S. Healthcare Providers

Jason Lineen describes the importance of adopting digital mindset in a healthcare organization.

Jason Lineen May 7, 2018

Cost-Effective Use of IT Help Desk Spending

Dan O’Connor describes how a dedicated IT help desk can contribute to cost savings.

Dan O’Connor April 13, 2018

How Is Your Hospital Managing Costs Across Its Physician Enterprise?

Several factors have challenged achieving a more comprehensive view of costs at the physician enterprise level, including governance, data sharing, and financial performance expectations.

Daniel Seargeant April 10, 2018

Is Health Care Ready for the Next Big Data Breach?

Doug Buan explains how adopting a “security first” mindset can help provider organizations protect patient data.

Doug Buan March 28, 2018

The Future of the Hospital

Reduced utilization of hospitals has many calling their future usefulness into question.

James H. Landman, JD, PhD March 21, 2018
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