Medicare Compliance Rac Oig

HFMA Comments on Medicare Short Stay Payment Policy

HFMA comments on issues related to Medicare’s current payment policy for short stays, the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) program, and the impact of both on Medicare beneficiaries.

HFMA April 20, 2015

A Perfectly Legal Way to Help Patients Pick Higher-Quality Post-Acute Providers

For fear of legal ramifications, hospital case managers and discharge planners are not sharing quality information about post-acute providers with patients.

J. Stuart Showalter April 16, 2015

HFMA Comments on Hospital Improvements for Payment Act of 2014 Discussion Draft

HFMA comments to the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means on the challenges of the Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor program and other policies that have had negative unintended consequences.

HFMA March 11, 2015

HFMA comments on the Delay of RAC Appeals assigned to Administrative Law Judges

HFMA voices concern and comments on the recent Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals decision to suspend assignment of new RAC appeals cases to Administrative Law Judges.

HFMA March 25, 2014

Ask the Expert: CMS Statements for Medicare Patients

States--not CMS--have regulations in place related to timely patient notification of the availability of financial assistance/charity, as well as a statement that includes a summary of charges.

HFMA October 25, 2012

Accounting for RAC Audit Adjustments and Exposures

This Principles and Practices Board issue analysis provides accounting guidelines for healthcare finance leaders who must respond to RAC audits and adjustments.

HFMA October 17, 2012

Legal & Regulatory Forum Articles

An archive of the Legal & Regulatory Forum's articles, which features our latest content and includes past articles categorized by topic.

HFMA October 17, 2012
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