Medicaid Payment and Reimbursement

HHS Provider Relief Fund clarifications provide much-needed information

Several clarifications related to the treatment of depreciation, expenses for stockpiling PPE and revenue to the HHS Provider Relief Fund (PRF) FAQs were released Nov. 18 by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 24, 2020

Democratic advisers expect new (and some continued) healthcare policies under Biden

A Biden administration is likely to try new healthcare policy approaches and to build on some from the Trump administration, say Democratic advisers.

Rich Daly November 20, 2020

What can providers do as COVID-19 poses increased headwinds to uninsured rate

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says as the number of uninsured patients increases, providers will need to have medical accounts resolution processes in place that stress patient education and engagement as early in the process as possible.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 12, 2020

How a lame-duck Congress could affect hospital finances

The existing Congress and the Trump administration could take a range of steps in the coming weeks that would have major financial ramifications for hospitals.

Rich Daly November 11, 2020

Hospital finance leaders expect deteriorating payer mix, HFMA survey finds

Most hospitals expect their payer mix to shift in the next 12 months toward more Medicaid and individually insured patients.

Rich Daly November 2, 2020

A murky step in the right direction: HHS releases updated CARES Act Provider Relief Fund guidance

HHS, in a recent update, partially reverts back to the June 19 FAQs, which based the amount of PRF a provider is entitled to on lost revenue as opposed to its switch to lost margin in the Sept. 19 guidance.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 1, 2020

Latest HHS provider relief fund FAQs offer insight into what’s permissible under the Sept. 19 reporting requirements

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says due to HHS's whipsaw approach to the provider relief fund FAQs and guidance, any clarity to be derived from the Phase 3 application instructions and FAQs needs to be considered with a measure of caution.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA October 22, 2020

More Medicaid programs are planning inpatient hospital payment cuts

States are moving to cut their Medicaid inpatient hospital rates amid the pandemic and its more than 400,000 hospitalizations.

Rich Daly October 15, 2020

Hospitals get relaxed Medicare repayment terms, short delay of DSH cut in federal funding bill

Hospitals will get some flexibility in the repayment of Medicare advance payment loans and a delay in uncompensated-care payment cuts under a new federal funding law.

Rich Daly October 7, 2020

Major insurers roll back no-cost sharing telehealth services

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says patients who received a surprise bill for a telehealth visit will likely blame the provider.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA October 7, 2020
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