Gauging the Financial Impact of MIPS
The financial impacts of MIPS scores can amount to millions of dollars per organization and will significantly grow over the next several years.
Understanding the Current State of MACRA
Hospitals and their employed physicians should take certain actions now to avoid penalties and ensure proper payment under MACRA, as well look at future education and staffing needs.
Health Systems Brace for MACRA
Hospitals and health systems are working to help their physicians succeed under MACRA, which means moving quickly to advanced APMs.
Managing the Ethical Aspects of MACRA
Value is the key driver and organizing principle of MACRA and MIPS. Therefore, it is critical to define value from the view of different healthcare stakeholders.
Sidebar: Small Physician Practices and the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)
An example of financial modeling for a small physician practice is provided to illustrate possible effects of MACRA’s Merit-Based Payment System on such a practice.
Analyzing Where to Invest for Success Under MACRA’s New Quality Payment Program
Financial modeling can help providers determine their best option among payment models available through CMS’s new Quality Payment Program.
MACRA Timeline: MIPS and Advanced APM Reporting Requirements for Payment Year 2019
This useful tool displays a MACRA final rule timeline of Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Model (Advanced APM) reporting requirements for payment year 2019.
MIPS Implementation: What Healthcare Stakeholders Need to Know
Healthcare policy expert Billy Wynne analyzes what providers need to know heading into implementation of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) component of MACRA.
MACRA Overview
This presentation provides an overview of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).
Executive Summary: CMS MACRA Final Rule
This document highlights important details of the final rule implementing the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) made available on October 14, 2016.