Legislative Updates

Congress seeks to keep the momentum going on improvements to prior authorization

Members of Congress are revitalizing efforts to pass legislation that would streamline prior authorization in Medicare Advantage (MA). A bipartisan, bicameral group of legislators reintroduced the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act, a bill that unanimously passed the House in September 2022 but did not receive a vote in the Senate. One obstacle at…

Nick Hut June 17, 2024

Health system CEO tells Congress proposed 340B changes would be harmful to organizations like his

A health system executive visited Capitol Hill recently to provide the hospital perspective on the 340B Drug Pricing Program — a viewpoint that increasingly is coming under fire among policymakers. Matthew Perry, president and CEO of Genesis HealthCare System in Zanesville, Ohio, appeared at a House subcommittee hearing June 4 to give insight on why…

Nick Hut June 10, 2024

The FY24 HHS budget covers key programs for rural hospitals while tightening spending in some areas

The newly passed budget covering HHS during the remainder of FY24 contains notable provisions for healthcare providers. The roughly $117 billion departmental budget for the next six months was set in an appropriations bill that was passed by Congress and signed by President Joe Biden within hours of the March 22 expiration of funding for…

Nick Hut March 25, 2024

Site-neutral payment has backing in healthcare policy circles, but its efficacy as a cost restraint is unclear

The concept of site-neutral payment continues to receive support from members of Congress and healthcare policy analysts, as demonstrated during a recent hearing. The Jan. 31 hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee was intended, in part, to promote pending legislation that would strengthen price transparency and implement other policies designed to…

Nick Hut February 15, 2024

In Congress, it’s status quo for Medicaid DSH payments and the Medicare physician fee schedule

Yet another short-term federal funding measure from Congress included yet another brief extension of full funding for Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments. With funding for much of the federal government set to expire Jan. 19, Congress agreed on a continuing resolution that keeps all agencies fully operational until March. Medicaid DSH payments are guaranteed…

Nick Hut January 22, 2024

The big picture for healthcare in 2024, with Andrew Donahue

HFMA Policy Director Andrew Donahue discusses what trends and policy decisions will affect the healthcare industry in this election year.

Erika Grotto January 15, 2024

Hospital, physician advocates disagree over the role of physician-owned hospitals as policymakers ramp up focus

Hospital advocacy groups hope to stanch momentum that’s building in policy circles to increase the number of physician-owned hospitals. The American Hospital Association (AHA) and Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) issued a joint statement Oct. 18, saying permitting greater numbers of physician-owned hospitals (POHs) would have adverse effects on healthcare costs, access and quality. The…

Nick Hut October 24, 2023

In response to a congressional RFI, provider advocates give input on ways to bolster rural healthcare

Hospital and physician groups were among the respondents to a request by a key congressional committee for information on improving rural healthcare. In an RFI issued in September, the House Ways and Means Committee sought policy solutions for augmenting access to — and the quality of — healthcare in relatively remote areas. “The committee will…

Nick Hut October 19, 2023

Medicaid DSH payment cut barely averted as House, Senate pass short-term federal funding

Hospitals received a last-day reprieve from substantial cuts to Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments, with House leaders reversing course Sept. 30 and ushering through a six-week government funding package. Language in the bill ensures a four-year, $32 billion Medicaid DSH cut will not take effect before Nov. 17. Most importantly, the bill bought time…

Nick Hut October 4, 2023

Update: Medicaid DSH payment cut averted as House, Senate pass short-term federal funding

Note: The headline and lead section of this article were updated Oct. 1 with news of a six-week government funding extension that delays the Medicaid DSH cuts and pays for other healthcare programs. The article originally was published Sept. 28 under the headline, “An $8 billion Medicaid DSH cut is closer to happening as a…

Nick Hut October 1, 2023
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