5 ways to drive patient privacy law compliance from within your organization
While it makes sense to protect patients’ health-specific data, social security numbers and home addresses from external threats, the most significant threats to patient privacy laws are on the inside.
Addressing unclaimed property challenges
Healthcare providers increasingly are being audited for unclaimed property.
How to avoid the devastating consequences of HIPAA noncompliance
The potential costs of being found noncompliant with HIPAA are too great for a healthcare provider organization not to have in place a compliance program designed to help safeguard patients’ protected health information.
5 steps to becoming HIPAA compliant
Healthcare organizations that qualify as HIPAA covered entities should take five steps when developing a compliance program designed to meet their obligation under HIPAA to safeguard patients’ protected health information.
Ask the Experts: HIPAA compliance
What are the HIPAA implications of accessing existing subscriber information in our records for patients who don’t have their insurance information?
$25 million in penalties demonstrates OCR focus on data security
OCR announced 10 important enforcement actions in 2018.
The ROI of HIPAA Compliance
Marty Puranik describes the financial benefits of compliance.
HIPAA IT Predictions for 2019
Moazzam Adnan Raja describes new opportunities and challenges in health IT.
HIPAA Breaches Make News, Cost Money
Three Boston hospitals that were recently slapped with HIPAA violations for allowing television crews into their facilities are reminders of the intricacies of patient privacy laws.
HIPAA Compliance Needs Improvement
While technology changes over the past 22 years have allowed increasingly skillful data breaches, we can expect even more dramatic developments in the next five years. Attention to potential breaches now—in all their various forms—will be essential to managing unforeseen future threats.