Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Separation of Compliance and Legal Functions Key to Effective Hospital Compliance Program

New guidance strongly suggests that hospital compliance officer should not be subordinate to legal counsel.

J. Stuart Showalter, JD, MFS May 15, 2015

HFMA Comments on Medicare Short Stay Payment Policy

HFMA comments on issues related to Medicare’s current payment policy for short stays, the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) program, and the impact of both on Medicare beneficiaries.

HFMA April 20, 2015

A Perfectly Legal Way to Help Patients Pick Higher-Quality Post-Acute Providers

For fear of legal ramifications, hospital case managers and discharge planners are not sharing quality information about post-acute providers with patients.

J. Stuart Showalter April 16, 2015

HFMA Comments on Transition to HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System

HFMA is concerned that a 12-month limitation will not allow providers the time to research facts and, if mistakes are discovered, reopen claims with Medicare under CMS' reopening regulations.

HFMA March 20, 2015

HFMA Comments on Hospital Improvements for Payment Act of 2014 Discussion Draft

HFMA comments to the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means on the challenges of the Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor program and other policies that have had negative unintended consequences.

HFMA March 11, 2015

M&A Basics: How to Avoid a Broken Deal

Hospital leaders involved in merger and acquisition discussions need to understand some fundamentals about these transactions to ensure a successful outcome.

Curtis Bernstein February 19, 2015

An Antitrust Primer

It may be helpful to remember certain basic principles of antitrust law when contemplating mergers and acquisitions.

J. Stuart Showalter February 19, 2015

HFMA Summary of IRS 501(r) Final Rule

This summary outlines the provisions of the IRS final rule providing requirements for charitable hospital organizations added by the Affordable Care Act.

HFMA January 8, 2015

HFMA comments on the Delay of RAC Appeals assigned to Administrative Law Judges

HFMA voices concern and comments on the recent Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals decision to suspend assignment of new RAC appeals cases to Administrative Law Judges.

HFMA March 25, 2014

HFMA urges support for the Stark Administrative Simplification Act (H.R. 3776)

HFMA urges support for the Stark Administrative Simplification Act (H.R. 3776) introduced by Rep. Charles Boustany, MD, and Rep. Ron Kind.

HFMA January 23, 2014
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