HIPAA Breaches: Eight Lessons Learned
A healthcare attorney shares eight critical lessons from dealing with HIPAA breach issues.
Avoiding and Managing CMS Audits
A revenue cycle director and a healthcare attorney share tips for avoiding CMS audits and managing claim denial appeals.
Ask the Expert: Paying Patient Premiums
Do anti-kickback laws preclude providers from paying premiums for uninsured patients, specifically for the health insurance marketplace plans?
New NLRB Election Rule May Increase Union Activity
A new NLRB regulation shortens the time for union election campaigns and puts employers at a disadvantage, including hospitals. Early preparation is advised, says a labor relations lawyer.
Changes to Two-Midnight Rule Raise Concerns
Medicare’s proposed changes to the two-midnight rule for hospital short stays creates ambiguities and challenges for hospital staff.
Separation of Compliance and Legal Functions Key to Effective Hospital Compliance Program
New guidance strongly suggests that hospital compliance officer should not be subordinate to legal counsel.
HFMA Comments on Medicare Short Stay Payment Policy
HFMA comments on issues related to Medicare’s current payment policy for short stays, the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) program, and the impact of both on Medicare beneficiaries.
A Perfectly Legal Way to Help Patients Pick Higher-Quality Post-Acute Providers
For fear of legal ramifications, hospital case managers and discharge planners are not sharing quality information about post-acute providers with patients.
HFMA Comments on Transition to HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System
HFMA is concerned that a 12-month limitation will not allow providers the time to research facts and, if mistakes are discovered, reopen claims with Medicare under CMS' reopening regulations.
HFMA Comments on Hospital Improvements for Payment Act of 2014 Discussion Draft
HFMA comments to the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means on the challenges of the Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor program and other policies that have had negative unintended consequences.