Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Ask the Experts: Stark Law and Promotion of Services

Our health system has a new obstetrician/maternity group that it wants to promote on our website and through mailings and e-mail campaigns. Are there any Stark Law or anti-kickback issues that we should be aware of?

HFMA October 16, 2017

Hospital’s Tax-Exempt Status Revoked for Lack of Community Health Needs Assessment

The IRS stated that a rural hospital had failed to conduct a proper community health needs assessment and make it widely available to the public. The hospital’s tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) was revoked retroactively.

J. Stuart Showalter October 16, 2017

Video: How to Ensure a Clean 340B Audit

Effective 340B compliance requires thinking beyond 340B as a pharmacy program.

HFMA October 13, 2017

athenahealth: How Leaders Stay Abreast of Regulatory Changes

When it comes to staying abreast of changes in health care, nearly 90 percent of healthcare leaders who responded to pulse interview conducted at HFMA’s Annual National Institute (ANI) in June 2017 about changes to government payment and regulatory requirements

HFMA October 2, 2017

The Collateral Impacts of MIPS

Tom S. Lee describes the long-term effects a MIPS score can have on providers.

Tom S. Lee September 7, 2017

MIPS: Getting Ready for a New Paradigm in Pay for Performance

Organizations that have not yet considered their strategy for participation in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) must begin to plan now, or risk financial penalties. 

Jennifer Swindle September 5, 2017

TCPA Lawsuits Are Exploding

The TCPA was never intended to prohibit or negatively affect legitimate business-related calls, but that has been the result of court decisions allowing class action lawsuits.

HFMA September 5, 2017

Improve Compliance and Revenue by Understanding the Two-Midnight Rule

Edward Hu, MD, president of the American College of Physician Colleges, offers guidance for physicians seeking to better understand the two-midnight rule.

Edward Hu August 29, 2017

Improve Compliance and Revenue by Understanding the Two-Midnight Rule

Edward Hu, MD, president of the American College of Physician Colleges, offers guidance for physicians seeking to better understand the two-midnight rule.

Edward Hu August 29, 2017

Are You Prepared for These Three Self-Pay Risks?

Hospitals face risks associated with three major statutes that impact revenue cycle processes: autodialer rules, debt collection, and charity care requirements. 

Leslie Newman August 29, 2017
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