Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Healthcare Sector Awaits Regulatory Reform

Two actions that minimize the impact of federal agency guidance documents concern some healthcare experts. Although these changes do not apply directly to healthcare regulatory agencies, government litigators could use them to determine the relevance of HHS or CMS guidance.

J. Stuart Showalter April 5, 2018

Another Hospital Loses a Tax Case

As lawmakers scrutinize the definition of “charitable” organizations, a recent case involving the timing of taxation of a hospital reclassified as for-profit illustrates the point.

J. Stuart Showalter April 5, 2018

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Takeaways for Healthcare Finance Leaders

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is likely to have a unique effect on the healthcare industry.

Austin Carlson March 21, 2018

What the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Means for Health Care

The Tax Cuts and Jobs act will affect health care in various ways.

Ken Perez March 1, 2018

Tax Reform Implications for Healthcare Organizations

Tax-exempt hospitals prepare for the impact of provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, including the repeal of the individual mandate under the Affordable Care Act and changes to tax incentives for charitable giving.

Chris Bell March 1, 2018

NLRB Asks for Public Input on 2014 Election Rule

NLRB is requesting public comment on union election regulations. 

J. Stuart Showalter February 23, 2018

BPCI Advanced Improves Care, Physician Alignment, and Revenue

A healthcare thought leader explains how hospitals can generate savings, improve clinical care, and foster physician alignment by participating in BPCI Advanced. 

Lisa A. Eramo February 21, 2018

NLRB Reverses ‘Joint Employer’ Decision

Although joint employer status is less likely now in the wake of recent NLRB decisions, hospitals are cautioned to involve labor relations counsel in drafting any subcontracting or outsourcing arrangements. 

J. Stuart Showalter February 14, 2018

A Look at the Trump Administration’s Approach to HIT

In 2018, the Trump administration is likely to promote interoperability and consumer-directed data exchange and place increased emphasis how the private sector can help to advance the implementation of health information technology.

Lia Winfield, PhD February 5, 2018

Appealing Medicare Denials in an Age of Reform

New reforms are giving providers more options for appealing Medicare claims denials, yet early preparation of appeals is essential.

Laura Ramos Hegwer February 1, 2018
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