Legal and Regulatory Compliance

The ROI of HIPAA Compliance

Marty Puranik describes the financial benefits of compliance.

Marty Puranik February 5, 2019

Anti-Fraud Overhaul ‘Sprint’ Coming

Jan. 30—In 2019, the Trump administration plans to implement regulatory overhauls of several administrative barriers to the proliferation of value-based payment, according to a senior administration official.

Rich Daly January 31, 2019

HIPAA IT Predictions for 2019

Moazzam Adnan Raja describes new opportunities and challenges in health IT.

Moazzam Adnan Raja January 17, 2019

Hospital Policies on Medical Marijuana

Legalization of medical marijuana in 46 states raises concerns for hospitals and health systems in terms of administering the drug, patient safety, and staff impact. But sample policies and assistance exist such as three options from the Minnesota Hospital Association.  

J. Stuart Showalter January 15, 2019

Reminder: Price Posting Requirement Began Jan. 1

CMS reminds healthcare providers that the format for posting is the hospital’s choice, but the information must be “consumer-friendly” and must enable patients to understand their financial liabilities and compare charges for similar services across other hospitals. 

J. Stuart Showalter January 15, 2019

Readmissions Penalty Program May Be Having Little Effect

Jan. 9—Medicare’s $500 million readmissions penalty program may have cut readmissions by only half as much as the half-million that previously was estimated—or not cut them at all, according to new research.

Rich Daly January 10, 2019

5 Ways to Boost Billing Capabilities for Transitional Care Management

Samantha Sizemore shares tips for success in transitional care management. 

Samantha Sizemore December 20, 2018

Some Regulatory Reduction Plans Draw Hospital Concerns

Areas of concern include around transfer agreements and patient status.

Rich Daly December 12, 2018

Crowdfunding: Assessing Benefits and Risks

Crowdfunding can increase investor participation and engagement between project initiators and potential funders, as well as raise awareness of neglected health issues.

William Marty Martin December 5, 2018

HIPAA Breaches Make News, Cost Money

Three Boston hospitals that were recently slapped with HIPAA violations for allowing television crews into their facilities are reminders of the intricacies of patient privacy laws. 

J. Stuart Showalter November 20, 2018
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