Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Why the Trump administration is pursuing hospital payment cuts that courts have rejected

The Trump administration is continuing to push hospital payment cuts rejected by courts to make the case to Congress that new laws are needed, according to a senior White House official.

Rich Daly November 13, 2019

Hospitals baffled over why Medicare continues site-neutral payments, 340B cuts despite adverse court rulings

Hospital advocates blasted two major payment cuts that were implemented recently despite court orders overriding the cuts and warned about the consequences.

Rich Daly November 7, 2019

Analysis: Why it behooves hospitals to re-evaluate medical accounts receivable process | HFMA

As negative press about patient billing shows no sign of slowing down, hospitals and health systems should re-evaluate the way they engage patients to resolve medical accounts receivable.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 5, 2019

Analysis: What to expect after the Texas vs. Azar ruling

There’s still much to be argued and dealt with regarding Texas versus Azar, and no final decision on the ACA should be expected until June 2020 at the earliest.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA November 5, 2019

Cup of Joe: ZDoggMD

Dr. Zubin Damania, better known as ZDoggMD in his popular online video series, talked with Joe Fifer at HFMA's Annual Conference about his vision for the future of healthcare.

Erika Grotto October 31, 2019

News Watch November 2019: Developments and trends shaping healthcare finance

News Watch: News stories about recent developments and trends shaping healthcare finance in the United States.

Rich Daly October 31, 2019

Vitalware: An all-encompassing, single-platform chargemaster solution

A leading chargemaster company discusses how its technology helps hospitals operate more transparently, price strategically and confidently run a compliant and efficient revenue operation.

HFMA October 30, 2019

Provider alignment to get a boost under anti-kickback, Stark proposals: attorney

Provider initiatives to better align under value-based payment models would get a boost from proposed Stark and anti-kickback law enforcement changes.

Rich Daly October 15, 2019

Special Episode: CMS transparency effort misses the mark

On the day that public comments were due to CMS on its proposed rule that would require the controversial public release of rates hospitals negotiated with health plans, Joe Fifer, president and CEO of HFMA, and Chad Mulvany, director of health finance policy and analysis for HFMA, preview their comments to CMS. Learn about the promise and peril of the approach CMS is taking to this key transparency issue.

Erika Grotto October 15, 2019

HHS proposes 16 Stark, anti-kickback changes

HHS has proposed a range of rule changes to anti-fraud laws that providers say have blocked value-based payment arrangements.

Rich Daly October 11, 2019
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