Healthcare Legal

The Price is Not Right: The Unsustainability of the ACA Insurance Marketplaces

As legislators continue to work toward a repeal of the Affordable Care Act, insurers are leaving the marketplaces.

Ken Perez June 20, 2017

Putting Your Financial Team to Work to Maximize MACRA Benefits

Joncé Smith describes how finance leaders can help ready their organizations for MACRA.

Joncé Smith May 22, 2017

Best Practices for Securing and Protecting Patients’ Financial Data

When we think about data breaches, attacks on major retailers often come to mind. Yet, between 2010 and 2015, criminal attacks on healthcare data increased by 125 percent. In 2016 alone, there were 329 significant data breaches exposing more than 16 million records.

Gary Word May 19, 2017

Ask the Experts: The Impact of Stark, Anti-Kickback Laws on ACOs

How are ACOs managing the Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute? 

HFMA May 9, 2017

Auditing for Stark Law Compliance

Compliance with the Stark Law requires involving legal, compliance, and other expertise on the front end of the process rather than auditing for problems later.

J. Stuart Showalter May 8, 2017

How the AHCA’s Failure Could Rekindle the Lost Art of Compromise in Washington

With stalled efforts on both sides of the aisle, it may be time for Democrat and Republican leaders to come together on healthcare legislation.

Ken Perez April 28, 2017

The Status of ICD-10: An Insider’s View

Nena Scott provides a look at the progress of ICD-10 18 months out. 

Nena Scott April 26, 2017

FDA Delays Cause Drug Cost Spikes

Regulatory hurdles could be contributing to the high cost of generic drugs.

Michael J. Alkire April 19, 2017

DOJ Guidance on Compliance Effectiveness

New guidance highlights common questions that prosecutors ask when judging compliance program effectiveness.

J. Stuart Showalter April 10, 2017

Managing the ACA’s Nondiscrimination Provisions

The ACA prohibits discrimination in health programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Healthcare providers face the challenges of preventing language barriers that may impact certain patients based on race, as well as current litigation on gender identify.

J. Stuart Showalter April 10, 2017
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