Making the Business Case for Compliance in Healthcare Organizations
Rebekah Sharpe describes the pitfalls of noncompliance.
The Fiscal Realities of a Single Payer Healthcare System
More Americans are in favor of a single-payer approach to health care, but the financial ramifications should be fully explored.
Ask the Experts: Stark Law and Promotion of Services
Our health system has a new obstetrician/maternity group that it wants to promote on our website and through mailings and e-mail campaigns. Are there any Stark Law or anti-kickback issues that we should be aware of?
Hospital’s Tax-Exempt Status Revoked for Lack of Community Health Needs Assessment
The IRS stated that a rural hospital had failed to conduct a proper community health needs assessment and make it widely available to the public. The hospital’s tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) was revoked retroactively.
Video: How to Ensure a Clean 340B Audit
Effective 340B compliance requires thinking beyond 340B as a pharmacy program.
The Opioid Funding Controversy: A Portent of the Upcoming Bipartisan Healthcare Reform Debate
The continuing efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act could open doors for advocacy groups to revisit aspects of the legislation they want to change.
Ask the Experts: Handling Patients Who Provide False Identities
Are there any policies or workflow processes for handling emergency department patients who misrepresent their identities?
Compliance Analytics: There’s Gold in the Data
Compliance can become a financial asset. For example, data mining provides opportunities to improve vague or incomplete clinical documentation, weak internal communication, overly conservative or inconsistent coding, and physician education, all of which improve the bottom line and reduce risk.
Ask the Experts: HIPAA Compliance for Minors
Are there any special HIPAA considerations when treating children (minors) who are living in group homes?
Hospital Requirement to Provide Auxiliary Communication Aids Continues
An appellate court ruled hospitals must continue to provide appropriate auxiliary aids to help hearing impaired patients exchange medical and financial information with hospital staff.