
DOJ withdraws guidance that bolstered antitrust safe harbors for GPOs, cost benchmarking and more

Potentially leading to stricter enforcement of antitrust policy in healthcare, the U.S. Department of Justice has withdrawn guidance that essentially promoted certain arrangements in the industry. The Feb. 3 announcement from DOJ’s Antitrust Division amounts to a cancellation of so-called “safety zones” that were established in three sets of nonbinding guidance issued between 1993 and…

Nick Hut February 20, 2023

Honor Roll: HFMA awards certifications to 2,746 members between September and December 2022

HFMA offers eight certifications for members to validate their expertise and demonstrate their commitment to the profession. The HFMA certifications are as follows: Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP), Certified Revenue Cycle Representative (CRCR), Certified Revenue Cycle Representative (CRCR) – GCC, Certified Specialist Accounting & Finance (CSAF), Certified Specialist Business Intelligence (CSBI), Certified Specialist Physician Practice…

Deborah Filipek February 7, 2023

OIG describes how hospitals can use NPs to treat patients without violating the Anti-Kickback Statute

An advisory opinion from the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) appears to give hospitals leeway to expand their use of nurse practitioners in specific situations without violating the Anti-Kickback Statute. OIG issued the opinion in December in response to an inquiry from an unnamed acute care hospital. The hospital was seeking clarification on whether…

Nick Hut February 1, 2023

During a potentially tumultuous Congress, healthcare stakeholders should communicate their policy priorities

With the 118th Congress bringing the potential for policy upheaval, one of the best things healthcare stakeholders can do is make themselves heard on Capitol Hill. The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives has signaled its intent to use the federal debt ceiling as leverage in budget negotiations. President Joe Biden and the…

Nick Hut January 24, 2023

Survey: Understanding and mitigating risk in compensating physicians

Important learnings from a February 2020 HFMA-conducted survey about physician compensation, where healthcare organization leaders offer insights on the complexities of the process.

HFMA December 13, 2022

CMS continues to relax enforcement of COVID-19 vaccination requirements

CMS has revised its guidance to state survey agencies regarding assessment of healthcare provider compliance with COVID-19 vaccination requirements for staff.

Nick Hut October 27, 2022

No Surprises Act regulations remain a moving target for compliance

Amid all the rules stemming from the No Surprises Act, a looming mandate for providers to send cost estimates to health plans looks like the biggest stress inducer.

Nick Hut October 18, 2022

Expanded information-blocking rules under the 21st Century Cures Act are here

Hospitals and health systems are among the healthcare industry stakeholders that will be impacted when expanded rules on information blocking take effect Oct. 6.

Nick Hut October 4, 2022

Ken Perez: What U.S. hospitals and health systems can expect from the 2022 IRA

Passed on Aug. 7, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act has policy provisions that are significant for providers, but overall, it constitutes a mixed bag for hospitals and health systems.

Ken Perez October 2, 2022

Healthcare News of Note: More Office for Civil Rights funding could boost HIPAA enforcement

Healthcare News of Note for healthcare finance professionals is a roundup of recent news articles: Cybercrime against healthcare organizations overwhelms the federal Office for Civil Rights, the cost of health inequities could reach $1 trillion, and primary care physicians need more hours in the day to provide recommended care.

Deborah Filipek September 2, 2022
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