How Companies Can Reap the Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion
Workplace initiatives to enhance workforce diversity and inclusiveness give companies a competitive advantage, says D&I expert Kim Drumgo.
How to Retain High-Performing Employees
Losing high-performing employees can hamper an organization in many ways. Clear communication and proactive goal-setting can improve job satisfaction for those employees and make it more likely that they will stay.
A Comprehensive Approach to Engaging Physicians
Giving physician leaders better tools to conduct annual performance reviews has helped one Canadian hospital provide more meaningful feedback to physicians and improved engagement. More engaged physicians have helped the organization raise its patient satisfaction scores.
Why Organizational Culture is Critical to Success
Effective leadership requires good communications skills as well as a strong vision.
Clinician or Non-Clinician: Stakeholders Weigh in on the Best Fits for the C-Suite
Although clinical leaders often make for effective C-suite members, industry experts say healthcare organizations should prioritize leadership qualities over a specific type of background.
Value-Based Employee Compensation in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
Tying employee compensation directly to performance, rather than experience, can encourage better job performance.
Q&A: Value-Based Payment Models Require New Workforce Approaches
Newer models provide an opportunity to use staffing strategies to fill in care gaps in a way that enhances healthcare quality, leaders say.
How Diversity in Executive Teams Contributes to Financial Success
Organizations with high levels of diversity and inclusion perform better on key business metrics, according to a new report and the experiences of health system leaders.
Value-Based Care Requires More Versatile Talent
As the lines between health plans and providers blur in today’s integrated healthcare organizations, leaders recognize the benefits of sharing and developing talent across traditional organizational and industry boundaries.
Healthcare Finance Literacy: a New Workforce Competency
Given that finance is integral to every decision that is made in healthcare organizations today, everyone on the team should have a basic understanding of healthcare finance.