
Has Value Become a Buzzword?

Our shared vision of value is at risk. We won’t attain high-value health care unless we agree on what that means.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA March 21, 2018

4 Strategies to Unlock Healthcare Performance Management Constraints

Hospital and health system finance leaders should play a central role in ensuring their organizations are applying high-quality enterprise performance management approaches that improve their organizations’ strategic agility in addressing enterprise risk. 

Daniel Seargeant March 21, 2018

3 Steps to a Purposeful, Positive, and Productive Work Culture

Leaders should place the same emphasis on valued behaviors as they do on performance results, then set about defining, aligning, and refining those behaviors.

S. Chris Edmonds March 19, 2018

What Do Finance Leaders Have to Do With High-Reliability Patient Care?

John Johnston describes the role of the finance leader in developing a culture of proactively mitigating failures.

John Johnston March 14, 2018

Culture Still Eats Strategy for Breakfast

HFMA/Deloitte research reveals the importance of cultural alignment to successful hospital mergers.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA March 1, 2018

Reach for the Heart: A Plea for Healthcare Finance Leaders

Healthcare finance professionals should use data to tell stories that resonate with listeners, including clinicians, on both a personal and an intellectual level.

Carol A. Friesen, FHFMA, MPH March 1, 2018

Improving Performance and Enhancing Innovation With Venture Investing: Perspectives From Leading Health Systems

Health system leaders describe their strategic approaches to venture investing and share the insights and perspectives that have informed those approaches.

David G. Anderson February 28, 2018

Culture and Communication Critical to Successful M&As

A recent study found that attention to stakeholder goals and organizational culture and communication help newly merged or acquired hospitals meet their strategic aspirations.  

HFMA February 23, 2018

Bringing the HFMA Code of Ethics to Life

Ethics can and should be practical, and ethical practice begins with knowing and living by the highest standards of an association.

William Marty Martin February 23, 2018

How the Right Leadership Mindset Can Pave the Way to Success

Best-selling author Jo Owen describes the seven leadership mindsets that distinguish the best leaders from the pack.

Jo Owen February 20, 2018
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