
Value-Based Employee Compensation in an Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility

Tying employee compensation directly to performance, rather than experience, can encourage better job performance.

Joe Ryan PT, DPT, MBA, c/NDT May 7, 2018

Pursuing Your Passion: Advice for Healthcare Finance Leaders

Carol Friesen, FHFMA, MPH, reminisces about her experiences as 2017-18 Chair of HFMA and shares ideas and insights gleaned from her “HFMA leadership journey.”

Carol A. Friesen, FHFMA, MPH April 25, 2018

Value: The Way Forward

Value-based payment won’t bend the cost curve unless healthcare organizations commit to fundamental change. Not everyone will come out whole. 

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA April 25, 2018

Q&A: Value-Based Payment Models Require New Workforce Approaches

Newer models provide an opportunity to use staffing strategies to fill in care gaps in a way that enhances healthcare quality, leaders say.

Nick Hut April 24, 2018

How Diversity in Executive Teams Contributes to Financial Success

Organizations with high levels of diversity and inclusion perform better on key business metrics, according to a new report and the experiences of health system leaders.

Lola Butcher April 24, 2018

Value-Based Care Requires More Versatile Talent

As the lines between health plans and providers blur in today’s integrated healthcare organizations, leaders recognize the benefits of sharing and developing talent across traditional organizational and industry boundaries.

Laura Ramos Hegwer April 23, 2018

The Principles, Behaviors, and Systems Necessary to Build a Culture of Excellence

John Toussaint describes building the foundation for a culture of excellence in a healthcare organization.

John Toussaint April 23, 2018

Healthcare Finance Literacy: a New Workforce Competency

Given that finance is integral to every decision that is made in healthcare organizations today, everyone on the team should have a basic understanding of healthcare finance.

Joseph J. Fifer, FHFMA, CPA April 23, 2018

Top 5 Factors Essential for Pharmacy Revenue Integrity

Maintaining pharmacy revenue integrity requires accurate, longitudinal data; physicians who understand how their prescribing decisions affect revenue integrity; and real-time data. With that information, finance leaders can determine the ROI of various drugs.

William Kirsh April 11, 2018

Assessing Risk in Healthcare Finance Calls for Stewardship

Amid the healthcare industry’s ongoing transformation, healthcare leaders are called upon to be stewards in guiding their organizations through change and managing financial and operational risk.

Carol A. Friesen, FHFMA, MPH March 21, 2018
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