
A 5-step process to achieve and sustain physician preference item cost reduction

To identify and reduce the costs of physician preference items, hospitals and health systems should use a five-step process that begins with cleaning and organizing PPI cost and utilization data.

Joseph A. Jackson August 7, 2020

McKinsey & Company survey: Physician perceptions of COVID-19 risk influence referral patterns

HFMA's Chad Mulvany says these McKinsey findings illustrate the importance of involving physicians in the development and execution of checklists used to safely reopen clinics and restart non-emergent procedures.

Chad Mulvany, FHFMA August 6, 2020

Healthcare finance leaders share their responses to the COVID-19 crisis

Healthcare finance executive across the nation shared a wide variety of perspectives and experiences regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their organizations and on themselves as leaders.

Eric C. Reese, PhD August 4, 2020

8 security tips for remote revenue cycle staff

Healthcare organizations can help their remote revenue cycle staff from falling prey to hackers and secure patient health information by following advice from security and privacy experts.

Lisa A. Eramo, MA August 4, 2020

How leaders should respond to social justice issues for the benefit of their employees and organization

In response to the ongoing social justice movement, leaders should thoroughly examine their organizations’ systems and policies.

Jill Geisler August 3, 2020

Honoring the memory of HFMA members: Punches, Phillips, Burchfield and Kazahaya

In this summer edition of the People column, we remember the lives of four HFMA members who died (all unrelated to COVID-19).

HFMA July 31, 2020

Best Article Award winners in HFMA’s hfm magazine for 2019-2020 represent outstanding editorial achievement

HFMA recognizes the top three winners and top three runners-up of its Helen Yerger/L. Vann Seawell Best Article Award for outstanding editorial achievement in hfm magazine in fiscal year 2019-2020.

HFMA July 31, 2020

HFMA’s Chapters share their virtual webinars, happy hours and networking events during COVID-19

A handful of HFMA Chapters share how they spent their time connecting with one another virtually during spring and summer with the stay-at-home mandate due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

HFMA July 31, 2020

Top long-range challenges for healthcare organizations in the aftermath of COVID-19

Guidehouse's David Burik anticipates much variation in how well organizations weather COVID-19 and reviews types of long-range challenges providers may face in the pandemic's aftermath.

Deborah Filipek July 31, 2020

Hospitals forecast declining revenues, lower procedure volumes and greater telehealth adoption due to COVID-19

Important learnings from a May 2020 HFMA-conducted survey about the COVID-19 crisis and some of the trends healthcare organizations are seeing.

HFMA July 31, 2020
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